National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: USDOT Airline Origin & Destination Databases

USDOT Airline Origin & Destination Databases

From: Rob Shannon <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:56:26 -0400

Dear academic and government researchers with interest in the airline industry:

For about 40 years, I have been doing research on the economics of
the airline industry. Along the way, I have translated much of the
Department of Transportation's Origin & Destination database (known
as Databank 1A and Databank 1B) from various formats - going back to
IBM EBCDIC - to more user-friendly formats.

With the decline in the cost of computer storage space, NBER has
recently agreed to host these data in exchange for me making them
available free of charge for research. The data include the domestic
portions of DB1A/DB1B from 1979Q1 to 2016Q3. (DOT makes the
international data available only to U.S. citizens who have received
written authorization from DOT to use them.) The data on the NBER
website include both the detailed quarterly DB1A/DB1B files (in fixed
format ASCII) and a summary version at the airline/route/quarter
level that includes all quarters from 1979Q1 to 2016Q3 (in a Stata
dataset or .csv file).

For more information, see
. Please share this information with any researchers who might be interested.

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy.


Severin Borenstein
Received on Mon Apr 20 2020 - 08:56:49 EDT