National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER - IO meeting dates

NBER - IO meeting dates

From: Rob Shannon <>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2017 14:03:33 -0400

Hi Rob, Can you forward this email below to NBER IO members? Thanks! L

Hi all,

Thank you all for filling the google form I sent around. I'm writing
with an update about future NBER IO meetings.

-- For the NBER IO Winter meeting, the timing survey results show a
reasonable majority (47-30; 23% don't care) for Fri-Sat meeting
(mostly citing teaching and job market conflicts), so I plan to keep
Winter Fri-Sat as usual. The likely dates for next meeting are Feb
9-10, 2018 (at Stanford/SIEPR as usual). There is still a small
uncertainty about room availability that will only get resolved in the
end of the month, so I reserved the week before (Feb 2-3) as a
fallback option. Ideally, mark both these weekends on your calendars,
but if you have to give up on one, it's reasonably safe (98% was
mentioned ...) to assume it's going to be Feb 9-10. I'll send a final
confirmation of the date once I have it, in a few weeks. Myrto and
Jesse will co-organize and will send the call for papers later in the

-- The survey numbers for the Summer meeting are almost the same, but
in the opposite direction. As you can imagine, the Summer meeting is
not as flexible and the Summer Institute "puzzle" is complicated to
solve, but I will try my best to move the IO meeting to weekdays (or
at least alternate), but it's not guaranteed that I will succeed. This
is presumably less urgent, but I will send out an update once we have
confirmed dates for Summer 2018.

Thanks again!

Received on Tue Aug 01 2017 - 14:01:10 EDT