National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: IO summer institute

Subject: IO summer institute
From: Scott Morton, Fiona (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2007 - 10:11:57 EDT

Dear IO Program Members,


I am writing to provide some details about the pre-conference event that
is part of the IO meetings this summer. From 10-12 on Friday morning, I
have assembled a group of pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
representatives - all from the parts of their respective firms that deal
with research and policy.


The idea is to stimulate interest in research on healthcare and
pharmaceuticals by giving people in IO a chance to hear about pressing
policy or intellectual challenges in this area, and also a chance to ask
questions of very knowledgeable insiders.


The industry folks will come with lists of important and/or new problems
in pharmaceuticals/healthcare that have not been solved and for which
research would be socially valuable. We can ask them questions about
current policies, institutional details, incentives, regulations, and so
forth. They are also planning to talk about data availability, both
public data and how to combine useful information across dataset and
proprietary data they know about. I did not ask them to promise to share
data, but several have asked questions about what researchers might need
and sound ready to help. They will also bring handouts listing funding
sources they know about, and data sources that might be of interest.


They are expecting an audience comprised mostly of people who have not
worked in healthcare before, but know a lot about markets. So the
discussion should be accessible to all. I hope as many of you as
possible can come to this event, as I expect it will be lively and






Fiona M. Scott Morton

Professor of Economics and Strategy v:

Yale School of Management f.

Box 208200 <>

New Haven, CT 06520-8200
