National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Invitation to PEIF meeting at Harvard, March 28. 2015

Invitation to PEIF meeting at Harvard, March 28. 2015

From: Frankel, Jeffrey <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 18:02:45 +0000

To IFM Members:

We are putting together the first in what we hope will be a continuing series of annual one-day conferences on the Politics and Economics of International Finance. (More on the series below.) The series is made possible by a gift from Andrew Quale, Jr., a lawyer with a long history of professional interest in international financial affairs, and is organized under the auspices of Harvard's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. Our goal is to bring together scholars interested in economic and political-economy issues in international financial relations.

Our first meeting will be at Harvard (Center for Government and International Studies 1730 Cambridge St., Room S020) on Saturday, March 28, 2015. We are pleased to invite you to this meeting. The format will be a bit unusual. Rather than asking scholars to present a single paper, we are asking several scholars to present a body of their ongoing research. Of course, this may include circulating a paper or papers in advance, but we are asking the scholar to present a broader overview of the work in progress. There will also be a roundtable discussion at the end of the day on an issue of more current relevance. The program is attached.

This is not an NBER event. Nevertheless, we have scheduled it to follow immediately the IFM program meeting on Friday, March 27, in the hopes that you will want to stay the extra day.

PEIF will cover the extra day or two of accommodations, as well as provide breakfast and lunch during the meeting. When you receive and reply to the NBER Conference Department's invitation to the March 27 IFM meeting, you should indicate the total number of nights you want to reserve at the Sonesta, including both events. (Later, there will be a form for you to submit to Marina Ivanova, conference coordinator, to get reimbursed by Harvard for the extra nights at the Sonesta.)

Please let us know if you can attend PEIF by December 30, 2014 by filling out the google form found at this link:

If you have any questions, particularly regarding accommodations or other logistical matters, please email Marina at<> (not us, nor the NBER).

We look forward to seeing you in March!

Jeff Frankel and Jeff Frieden


Some background. In the late 1980s Barry Eichengreen and Jeff Frieden (now of Harvard's Government Department) organized a research group on the Political Economy of European Integration (PEEI) that brought together leading scholars to discuss scholarship about the ongoing process of economic and monetary unification in Europe. After almost a decade working on Europe, the topic was expanded to include international finance more generally - hence the Political Economy of International Finance (PEIF). Eventually this group became something of a moveable feast, with meetings hosted by Harvard, Georgetown (joint with the IMF), the University of Michigan, UC San Diego, the Claremont Colleges, Emory (joint with the Atlanta Fed), and the Hertie School in Berlin (joint with the German Finance Ministry). Due to a generous gift from Andrew Quale, Jr., the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard now has funds available and dedicated to hosting an annual meeting on international finance at Harvard. We have altered the name slightly to The Politics and Economics of International Finance (PEIF, again) to indicate that we are interested both in scholarship in a political-economy vein, and in scholarship that is more purely economic.

Jeffrey A. Frankel, Harpel Professor
Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University
79 JFK St., Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-496-3834 | Fax: 617-496-5747

Received on Tue Dec 09 2014 - 14:26:18 EST