National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: a slot at Darden

a slot at Darden

From: Warnock, Frank <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:09:21 +0000

Dear Colleagues, My area at Darden needs to hire someone, preferably somewhat seasoned (at least a couple years out) in international (broadly defined). We're looking for a strong researcher, or someone who'll become a strong researcher, but they must also be able to do well in our MBA classroom (where we use the Socratic method...we don't lecture). If you have some good former students who might be movable, or anyone else you know of, please let me know. Best, Frank

Francis E. Warnock<>
Paul M. Hammaker Professor of Business Administration
Darden Business School, University of Virginia


Darden Graduate School of Business

Full-Time Faculty Position in

Global Economies and Markets Group

The Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia invites applicants for a full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty position in the Global Economies and Markets (GEM) area. Applicants at all ranks will be considered.


The primary teaching responsibility will be the required MBA course in global economies and markets, plus internationally oriented electives. Primary expertise is desired in open economy macroeconomics, international economics, development economics, or related areas. Scholars who have expertise in other applied economics areas, but who enjoy teaching MBA classes, may also be considered.


Applicants must have a doctorate. Applicants must have an active research program with capabilities to publish in top academic outlets and also have a genuine interest in practitioners and applied managerial problems. Applicants must be capable of teaching in a student-centered environment and developing curriculum materials for MBA students, executive MBA students, and executive-education participants. Senior candidates must have a proven record as an outstanding researcher and teacher. Candidates below the tenure level must have demonstrated outstanding promise in research and teaching. While recent graduates are welcome to apply, our priority is for someone with at least three years post-PhD experience.


For a more detailed description of the GEM Area please consult our website:


Please send your application along with your curriculum vitae, evidence of prior teaching and other supporting material to:


In the subject line please put "Full-Time Position". In addition, apply at, search for posting number 0608202, and complete

a Candidate Profile on-line.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until suitable candidates are identified.

The University of Virginia is an equal opportunity employer. The Darden School especially encourages applications from minorities, women, and those with significant international experience.
Received on Mon Jul 23 2012 - 18:09:21 EDT