National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Summer Institute

Subject: Summer Institute
From: Francis X. Diebold (
Date: Tue Jul 03 2007 - 18:01:28 EDT

IFM Family:

Due to a most unfortunate conflict, I will not be able to attend this year's
Summer Institute. Hence I want to introduce you now to Georg Strasser, a
grad student of mine who will be attending this year's IFM Summer Institute.
Georg was kindly invited by Jeff Frankel as part of this year's initiative
to bring grad students from outside the Cambridge area to the Summer

Georg is the best student I have had in several years and may be Penn's best
student on next year's job market. In his dissertation, Georg investigates
the efficiency of global markets for capital goods, using a new and clever
measure of the real exchange rate for capital goods. He estimates the
reduced form of an explicit structural optimizing model that allows him to
quantify the transfer cost between countries and the time-varying volatility
of the real exchange rate. Interestingly he finds that efficiency varies
widely across country pairs, with some markets highly efficient and others
not, and he investigates the reasons for the divergence.

In addition to his strength in international, Georg is strong in applied
time series (almost finished a nice paper on multivariate forecast accuracy
comparison) and parts of finance (almost finished a nice paper on market
microstructure noise).

I am very sorry that I will not be able to attend, but I hope that you have
a good and productive time with Georg.

All the best,


Francis X. Diebold
W.P. Carey Professor of Economics
Professor of Finance and Statistics
Co-Director, Financial Institutions Center

Department of Economics University of Pennsylvania 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297 tel.: (215) 898-1507 fax: (215) 573-4217 email: web: