National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Michael Finke

Michael Finke

From: Denis Healy <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:03:01 -0500

>Dear Mr. Healy,
>Please find that attached grant request to fund a doctoral student
>in Spring 2013 to conduct a survey of financial advisers. This
>survey is essential to providing empirical evidence that can be used
>by the SEC next year as they study the costs and benefits of
>investment adviser regulation. A previous grant-funded study
>completed in 2012 by myself and a graduate student was instrumental
>in providing evidence that the imposition of a fiduciary standard
>would not increase costs to the broker-dealer industry. This study
>would provide some evidence of consumer benefit.
>This request is somewhat time sensitive. We hope to begin
>conducting the survey in February of 2012.
>Thank you,
>Michael Finke
>Professor and Ph.D. Coordinator
>Personal Financial Planning
>Texas Tech University
>Box 41210, Lubbock TX 79409-1210
>Cell: 806-543-6724

Received on Wed Jan 16 2013 - 15:02:47 EST