National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: FW: Did you see this?

FW: Did you see this?

From: Grossman, Michael <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:04:34 -0400

I had so much fun with this that I had to send it to all the members of the NBER Health Economics Program. I remain your fearless leader. Mike

Michael Grossman
National Bureau of Economic Research
365 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, New York 10016-4309
212-817-7959 (phone)
212-817-1597 (fax)<> (e-mail) (home page)

From: Grossman, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 4:02 PM
To: Uctum, Merih; Vijverberg, Wim; Edwards, Linda; Kaestner/UIC, Bob; Corman, Hope; Markowitz, Sara/Emory; Chaloupka, Frank; Mocan, Naci; Monheit/UMDNJ, Alan; Dor, Avi/GW; Chernichovsky, Dov ; Chou, Shin-Yi; Hockenberry, Jason ; Conti, Gabriella; Conti, Rena; Michael, Bob; Robert T. Michael; Galama, Titus; Tekin, Erdal; Carpenter, Christopher; Fletcher, Jason; Courtemanche, Charles ; Altindag, Ramazan ; Casella, Alessandra; Chou, Shin-Yi; Colman/Pace, Gregory; Cotet, Anca; Dave, Dhaval/Bentley; Deb, Partha; Feliciano, Zadia; Gehrsitz, Markus ; Gelber, Alexander; Hasebe, Takuya; Hunt, Jenny ; Jaeger, David; Joyce, Ted; Kelly, Inas Rashad; Korenman, Sandy; Kotchen, Matthew; Leung, Leigh Ann; Margolis, Jesse; Monheit/UMDNJ, Alan; Moscheni, Marinella; Nagorski, Chris; Oishi, Akiko; Pop-Eleches, Cristian; Racine, Andy; Roeper, Tim; Saffer, Henry; Tan, Ruoding; Wang, Jin
Cc: Lindgren/Lund Björn ; Bolin, Kristian
Subject: FW: Did you see this?


Most of you know the following story which is highlighted in the second file. In 1972 my late father phoned me about an editorial in a magazine that he received each week. The magazine was called Financial World: America's Investment and Business Weekly. The December 13, 1972 issue had an extremely critical editorial on my NBER monograph The Demand for Health: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. The thrust of the editorial was that it was foolish to talk about people choosing their level of health. I told him: "Dad, bad publicity is better than no publicity." Forty years later that is the way I feel about the editorial by Peter Zweifel in the European Journal of Health Economics. The pdf file has that document. Here is a piece of advice from someone who is older than almost everyone who is receiving this message: Don't take yourself too seriously. Mike

Michael Grossman
National Bureau of Economic Research
365 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, New York 10016-4309
212-817-7959 (phone)
212-817-1597 (fax)<> (e-mail) (home page)

From: Björn Lindgren []
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 1:58 PM
To: Grossman, Michael
Subject: Did you see this?


I do not usually read the EJHE, but Kristian sent me this editorial by Peter Zweifel. Did you see it?

I think it is quite unfair especially to you but also to Kristian and me.


Från: Kristian Bolin []
Skickat: den 10 september 2012 14:50
Till: Björn Lindgren
Ämne: Grossman framework

Hej Björn!

Ta Dig en titt på den här artikeln. Peter Z. tycks anse att det är anmärkningsvärt att "till och med Bolin och Lindgren" har övergivit Demand-for-health models grundläggande antaganden.



Professor *

Department of Economics *

Lund University *


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Received on Tue Sep 11 2012 - 16:04:34 EDT