National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER Health Care Meeting, May 7

Subject: NBER Health Care Meeting, May 7
From: Goldman, Dana (
Date: Thu Mar 04 2004 - 18:12:52 EST

Dear All:

Here is a list of the papers for the spring Health Care meeting May 7 in Cambridge. I will be sending a final agenda later this month.

The Expanding Pharmaceutical Arsenal in the War on Cancer (Frank Lichtenberg)

Disease Management: Exploiting Standards and Information Technology to Improve Health-care Productivity (Paul Gertler, Tim Simcoe)

Lifetime Medical Costs of Treating HIV Patients on Medicaid (Mark Duggan & Bill Evans)

Medicare as Valued by Recipients (Will Dow & Michael Hurd)

Time-Inconsistency and Welfare (Jay Bhattacharya & Darius Lakdawalla)

I hope to see all of you there.

--Dana Goldman