National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NIH Funding Opportunities - Smoking Cessation in Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations

NIH Funding Opportunities - Smoking Cessation in Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations

From: Janet Stein <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 13:52:11 +0000

To: Members of NBER Programs on Health Care and Health Economics

NIH/National Cancer Institute has issued R01 and R21 funding
opportunities on "Improving Smoking Cessation in Socioeconomically
Disadvantaged Populations via Scalable Interventions." The due date for
applications (R01 and R21) is October 11, 2016. No letter of intent is

The purpose of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide
support for highly innovative and promising intervention research
designed to improve smoking cessation outcomes among socioeconomically
disadvantaged populations. Specifically, this FOA is intended to
stimulate research efforts aimed at the development of smoking cessation
interventions that: 1) are targeted to socioeconomically disadvantaged
populations, and 2) could be made scalable for broad population impact.
Applicants may propose projects that develop and test novel cessation
interventions with the potential to be scaled up, as well as projects
that focus on enhancing the effectiveness, quality, accessibility,
utilization, and cost-effectiveness of currently scaled smoking
cessation interventions. The R01 provides funding for up to 5 years for
research planning, intervention delivery, and follow-up activities,
while the R21 provides funding for up to 2 years for protocol
development and early phase, pilot, or exploratory projects.

For details, see the full announcements:

PAR-16-202 "Improving Smoking Cessation in Socioeconomically
Disadvantaged Populations via Scalable Interventions (R01)"
National Cancer Institute

PAR-16-201 "Improving Smoking Cessation in Socioeconomically
Disadvantaged Populations via Scalable Interventions (R21)"
National Cancer Institute

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in this
competition, to discuss which type of grant might be best, or in
learning more about NIH proposals and grants generally. We look forward
to working with you.

Janet Stein
Program Administrator
National Bureau of Economic Research
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

phone: (617) 588-0366
fax: (617) 868-2742
Received on Tue Jun 28 2016 - 09:53:50 EDT