National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NIH R01 Opportunity: Interventions to Address Chronic Health Conditions

NIH R01 Opportunity: Interventions to Address Chronic Health Conditions

From: Janet Stein <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 12:41:41 -0500

To: Members of NBER Aging and Health Care Programs.

NIH has issued this new funding opportunity that may be of
interest. Standard due dates apply; the next one is February 5,
2012, followed by June 5th. No letter of intent is requested.

Behavioral Interventions to Address Multiple Chronic Health
Conditions in Primary Care (R01)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks Research Project
Grant (R01) applications that propose to use a common conceptual
model to develop behavioral interventions to modify health behaviors
and improve health outcomes in patients with comorbid chronic
diseases and health conditions. Specifically, this FOA will support
research in primary care that uses a multi-disease care management
approach to behavioral interventions with high potential impact to
improve patient-level health outcomes for individuals with three or
more chronic health conditions. The proposed approach must modify
behaviors using a common approach rather than administering a
distinct intervention for each targeted behavior and/or condition.
Diseases and health conditions can include, but are not limited to:
mental health disorders (e.g., depression), diabetes, smoking,
obesity, chronic pain, alcohol and substance abuse and dependence,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, cancer and hypertension.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in this
competition, or in learning more about NIH proopsals and grants
generally. We look forward to working with you.


Janet Stein
Program Administrator
National Bureau of Economic Research
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

phone: (617) 588-0366
fax: (617) 868-2742
Received on Mon Nov 21 2011 - 12:41:41 EST