National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: (no subject)

(no subject)

From: Naci Mocan <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:11:31 -0500

Dear Colleagues-

LSU is searching for scholars who work on poverty, broadly defined.
The ad below will appear in November JOE. Please let me know if you are
interested in learning more about the position for you or your students
(rank is open).



Naci Mocan



J0 Labor Economics

I3 Welfare and Poverty


The Department of Economics invites applications for a tenure-track or
tenured faculty appointment as part of a Multidisciplinary Hiring
Initiative (MHI) which created the Louisiana Poverty Center Initiative.
The University expects to fill several new positions across social
science disciplines within the next two to three years. The Poverty
Center MHI will be dedicated to the study of poverty and related issues
(e.g. education, health, work force development programs). Candidates
will be considered at all ranks. An assistant professor candidate should
have a Ph.D. in Economics by August 2009. The primary appointment is in
Economics, but the candidate is expected to develop and maintain a
high-profile research program in poverty studies along with formal
affiliation with the Poverty Center MHI. The successful senior candidate
should have a demonstrated national reputation of scholarly research in
poverty studies, including high-quality publications and extramural
funding. Applicants should send an application letter, curriculum vita,
a written sample of research, and arrange for three letters of
recommendation to be sent to:


Robert J. Newman

Department of Economics

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA 70803





Naci Mocan

Ourso Distinguished Chair of Economics


Research Associate, NBER


Tel: (225) 578-4570

Fax: (225) 578-3807


Received on Wed Oct 29 2008 - 12:11:31 EDT