National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Re[2]: Fw: db_sanity: Grants missing a nber_contact_user: 1 inconsistencies

Re[2]: Fw: db_sanity: Grants missing a nber_contact_user: 1 inconsistencies

From: Janet Stein <>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:42:38 +0000

Yeah. I expect it was a hiccup. We can delete it later if nobody
claims it?

------ Original Message ------
From: "Alex Aminoff" <>
To: "Janet Stein" <>;;
Sent: 4/23/2020 9:40:50 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: db_sanity: Grants missing a nber_contact_user: 1

>I would assume so, but the alternative explanation is that one of the grant admins happened to be in the middle of creating a new record just then. In which case, we would expect to see some more data on that record by now, which we do not.
>An empty record like this is what would get created if someone clicks on "add new grant" and then "create".
> - Alex
>On 4/23/20 9:17 AM, Janet Stein wrote:
>>Hi Alex,
>>This arrived this morning, but the record seems to be blank. Ok to delete it?
>>------ Forwarded Message ------
>>Sent: 4/23/2020 9:14:33 AM
>>Subject: db_sanity: Grants missing a nber_contact_user: 1 inconsistencies
>> -- determine who the administrator is for this grant, then select them in the nber_contact_user field in the Grant Editor.
>>last_update_user: nber_contact_user: Grant_ID:
Received on Thu Apr 23 2020 - 09:42:57 EDT