National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Two user search boxes in Grant editor

Two user search boxes in Grant editor

From: Alex Aminoff <>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 14:43:33 -0400

There are now two (2) user search boxes in the grants editor. The one to
the right of the user section (labelled "search for user") is useful for
finding usernames to copy and paste into the user section (or elsewhere
you might want a username). The user search box at the bottom of the
editor, in the purple search bar, labelled "personnel username", only
finds usernames who are listed on at least one grant. That is useful for
finding a grant based on who is on it.

Up until recently it was not possible to have two different search boxes
(with different behavior) on the same page, but we were able to overcome
that limitation.

Please let me know if you have any trouble with the new functions.

  - Alex
Received on Thu Sep 15 2016 - 14:43:39 EDT