National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: New search bar

New search bar

From: Alex Aminoff <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:41:35 -0400

Hi folks. I am happy to announce that there is a new and better search
bar that you can use to search for grants. You can get to it from

and also from inside the Editor.

The personnel username box on the listing page will bring up a list of
possible matches if you type in a few characters; unfortunately the one
in the Editor can not do that for arcane reasons. If that is
functionality that you would use a lot please let me know and I can try
to make it work.

Also please let me know if you have suggestions for improving the search
bar or other aspects of the web UI for grant admins.

  - Alex
Received on Mon Mar 11 2013 - 15:41:35 EDT