National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER Summer Institute Submission Deadline Extended -- Thursday April 2, 5pm EDT

NBER Summer Institute Submission Deadline Extended -- Thursday April 2, 5pm EDT

From: James Poterba <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2020 10:39:16 -0400

Dear NBER Colleagues -

     I hope that you are staying safe and healthy during the pandemic

     Yesterday was the announced deadline for submission of papers to
the 2020 Summer Institute, and unfortunately, there was some confusion
about when the submission window closed.  The submission portal closed
at noon EDT, as indicated in the call for papers, but my mid-March email
announcing our deadline extension only referenced "March 31." I should
have been clearer, and I know that a number of researchers tried to
submit papers yesterday afternoon or evening and were not able to do
so.  Some wrote to the NBER conference team or to meeting organizers;
others may have simply given up.  To allow anyone who was relying on a
later deadline to complete their submission to still submit a paper, we
have re-opened the submission portal until 5pm EDT tomorrow -- Thursday
April 2.  The call for submissions and the link can be found here:

     While it is still too soon to know if there will be an in-person
2020 Summer Institute, I have been working with the NBER Conference Team
to plan for virtual meetings if an in-person gathering is not possible. 
In that scenario, we will hold Zoom meetings on the days when the
in-person meetings would have taken place.  We may need to modify the
length of presentations and the structure of some meetings to better
accommodate the on-line environment.  I will be back in touch as soon as
there is further information about summer plans.

     All best wishes as we all navigate this extraordinary time.

Jim Poterba
Received on Wed Apr 01 2020 - 10:45:41 EDT