National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Public Hearing by Commission on Evidence-Based Policy-Making: January 5 2017

Public Hearing by Commission on Evidence-Based Policy-Making: January 5 2017

From: James Poterba <>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2016 21:41:59 -0500

Dear NBER Colleagues -

I am writing to call your attention to an upcoming public hearing that
will be convened by the Commission on Evidence-Based Policy-Making.
This bipartisan commission was appointed by Congress and the President.
Five NBER affiliates are members of the 15-member commission: Katharine
Abraham (chair), Sherry Glied, Hilary Hoynes, Jeffrey Liebman, and Bruce
Meyer. The commission is charged with making recommendations to
increase the availability of and use of government data to build
evidence on the effects of public programs, while protecting privacy and
confidentiality of these data. Here's a link to the Commission's home

The Commission will hold a hearing on Friday, January 5, in Chicago, the
first day of the ASSA meetings. Further details about the hearing, and
how to signal your interest in participating, may be found at:

I hope that if you have expertise and experience that could inform the
commission's work, you will contact them. All best wishes and Happy

Jim Poterba

PS The _Economist_ recently ran a story about research themes in
economics that reported on the frequency with which various topics and
tools have appeared in the NBER working paper series. You may find it
of interest:
Received on Mon Dec 05 2016 - 06:51:16 EST