National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER Research Disclosure Policy

NBER Research Disclosure Policy

From: James Poterba <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 18:15:07 -0400

Dear NBER Family Members -

       The NBER currently asks researchers to disclose their sources of
research support in working papers and publications, and to inform the
Director of Grants Management and Research of any outside activities
that might create perceived conflicts of interest with their research.
In light of the recent attention to disclosure issues in economics, I
asked a committee of five program directors -- Janet Currie (chair),
Michael Grossman, Josh Lerner, Monika Piazzesi, and Nancy Rose -- to
review our current policy. I am very grateful for the time and
attention they have devoted to this topic.

        The committee has developed a policy that specifies disclosure
of funding sources as well as any "material and relevant" outside
financial activities that bear on a given research paper. It is posted at:

The NBER's Board of Directors, and I, believe that adhering to this
policy will benefit both researchers and the NBER. I hope that you
will read the policy, as well as the associated list of FAQs which
provide guidance on what is material and relevant - many outside
activities are neither.

         Starting on July 1, all co-authors of working paper submissions
will be asked to read the NBER disclosure policy and to report on
research support as well as material and relevant outside financial
activities. I hope that completing these information requests will not
be burdensome. If you have reactions to the modified working paper
submission system, or suggestions on how to clarify the research
disclosure policy, I would welcome your feedback.

         The policy focuses on working papers and NBER publications, but
it should also provide a guide for disclosure, for example on a personal
home page, if you choose to identify yourself as an NBER affiliate in
other contexts.

         I hope that your summer is off to a pleasant and productive
start, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the NBER Summer
Institute. All best wishes.

Jim Poterba
Received on Fri Jun 24 2011 - 18:15:07 EDT