National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: American Law and Economics Association conference

American Law and Economics Association conference

From: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:14:44 -0800 (PST)

     The American Law and Economics Association (ALEA) will hold its
annual conference on May 15-16, 2009 in San Diego. The conference
brings together economists and law professors interested in economic
analysis of law and it will have sessions covering many areas of
economics. A list of areas is below. I’d like to encourage NBER
researchers to submit papers and participate.

     To submit a paper, go to ALEA’s website, and click on
"Annual Meeting" on the left-hand side. The deadline for submissions
is January 9, 2009. There is no submission fee, but you must join
ALEA—-to do so, go to “Membership Services” on the ALEA website.

        Best regards,
         Michelle White
         ALEA President, 2008-09

Taxation and social welfare
Labor and employment law
Health law
Negotiation and deal-making
Family law, gender and discrimination
Criminal law and law enforcement
Environmental law
Experimental economics
Behavioral economics
Contract law
Commercial law
Corporate law and corporate governance
Bankruptcy and debtor/creditor law
Securities and capital market regulation
Theory of the firm
Public and administrative law
Torts/compensation systems
Political economy and public choice
Litigation and legal process
International and comparative law
Law and development
Intellectual property
Received on Tue Nov 25 2008 - 16:14:44 EST