National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: FW: Policy Position Openings: Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

FW: Policy Position Openings: Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

From: Mitchell, Olivia <>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 07:10:30 -0400

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (<>) is seeking to fill two senior level positions-Policy Director and Policy Analyst. If you know anyone who might be interested, please have them send me their resumes directly. Thanks for your help.
Best, Maya MacGuineas

Maya C. MacGuineas
President, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Director, Fiscal Policy Program
New America Foundation
(202) 986-6599<>

* Policy Director - Oversee the Committee's policy research and outreach efforts. Ideal candidates will have the following qualifications:
* Expertise in budget and tax policy
* An advanced degree in economics or public policy, or equivalent experience
* Eight years or more of experience in budget related field
* Exceptional writing and public speaking skills
* Strong quantitative, analytical, and research skills
* Understanding of legislative process
* Policy Analyst - Track budget data and legislation; assist with report writing and outreach. Ideal candidates will have the following qualifications:
* Proven quantitative, analytic, and research skills
* Demonstrated ability to accurately and concisely summarize complex information to multiple audiences
* Solid knowledge of and/or experience in fiscal policy
* A bachelor's degree in economics, public policy, or related field
* More senior positions available with more work experience and expertise.
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget is housed at the New America Foundation (<>) and is an equal opportunity employer.
Received on Sun Sep 14 2008 - 07:10:30 EDT