National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Federal Reserve Web Site

Subject: Federal Reserve Web Site
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 09:07:34 EDT

The Federal Reserve System would like to get a clearer idea of how key
users experience the Fed via the Internet. While we are confident that the
information our various Web sites provide is valuable and comprehensive, we
would like to determine whether you have had any undue difficulty in
exactly what you are looking for. To do so, we have developed an
electronic questionnaire.

The information received from the questionnaire will be used exclusively by
the Federal
Reserve System to aid in future decisions about how we present information
via the World Wide Web. The information you submit will remain
confidential, and the results of the survey will not be publicly released.

By taking about 5 minutes to answer this questionnaire, you can help us
learn whether our current system of Fed public Web sites adequately meets
your needs. Please respond in the next three weeks. To complete the
survey, click on the following URL:

Thank you for taking the time to help us serve you better.

Bobbie McCrackin, Chair
Federal Reserve System Worldwide Web Steering Committee 404-498-8934