National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER SI call for papers

Subject: NBER SI call for papers
From: Rob Shannon (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 15:12:53 EST

TO: PR, ME, ITI, EFG Mailing Lists
FROM: Susanto Basu and Ernst R. Berndt
DATE: March 27, 2000
RE: CALL FOR PAPERS—Productivity, Macroeconomics, and Trade:
                 New Developments.

We are organizing a one-day workshop during the Summer Institute, on the
theme of “Productivity, Macroeconomics, and Trade: New Developments.” The
workshop will be held at the NBER on Thursday, July 27 (the week of the EFG
small-group meetings). Its purpose is to bring together a group of
economists working on productivity- and measurement-related topics in a
variety of fields, especially macroeconomics and international trade. We
believe that much exciting work in applied productivity analysis is being
done by researchers who work outside the field of “productivity,” narrowly
defined. At the same time, this research typically draws on tools and
ideas that were pioneered by economists working on productivity analysis,
and are still subjects of ongoing research in that field. The purpose of
this workshop is to bring together these two groups of researchers, to
promote interaction on subjects of mutual interest.

Papers that are especially suitable for this workshop should have some
empirical application, although the paper may be a contribution to the pure
theory of measurement. Examples of the type of papers we have in mind
include work on R&D spillovers and economic growth, the productivity
effects of removing tariff barriers, ideas for estimating the extent of
embodied technological change, productivity change and the “new economy,”
and the measurement of changes in industry marginal cost over the business
cycle. This list is obviously not exhaustive, and we look forward to
seeing your ideas.

If you have a paper that you believe would be appropriate for this
workshop, please send copies to both Basu and Berndt to arrive no later
than April 21, at the addresses below. If the paper is incomplete you may
send an abstract or rough draft now, with the finished paper due by June 23.

Susanto Basu Ernst R. Berndt
Department of Economics Sloan School
University of Michigan MIT
611 Tappan Street 50 Memorial Drive, E52-452
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 Cambridge, MA 02138

You may also send papers by electronic mail (in PDF format only, please) to and

Since this mailing goes to a large group, we cannot invite everyone on the
mailing list to the workshop. For NBER members, travel reimbursement is
according to standard Summer Institute rules. We regret that we cannot
reimburse travel or lodging expenses for non-NBER presenters. However, the
NBER Conference Department will assist in making hotel reservations and
other logistical arrangements.