National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: news about the EEE program

news about the EEE program

From: Fullerton, Don <>
Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 19:30:01 +0000

TO: members of the NBER research program in Environmental and Energy Economics
FROM: Don Fullerton, Director of the EEE research program

Here is an update on several developments in the EEE program. First, the NBER has appointed four new members to our program as Faculty Research Fellow (FRF), so we offer congratulations and welcome to Tatyana Deryugina (, Ken Gillingham (, Catie Hausman (, and Nick Kuminkoff ( In addition, two members of other programs in NBER are now also cross-listed as members of EEE, so we also welcome Karen Clay ( and Nick Ryan ( All of those links and other websites of ALL members can be seen if you click on the “List of Members” at:

We appreciate the participation of all new and existing members, so it is worthwhile to remind you all that this appointment is not meant to be honorific! Given the constraints on the number of members we can appoint each year, the EEE steering committee has decided that we want each of you as colleagues, to work jointly on meetings, projects, research, presentations, and all sorts of discussions about environmental and energy economics! With these six new members, the EEE program is now quite large, and the meeting room for the summer institute will be overflowing. We have to pare the general invitation list, so we apologize in advance for any of your friends and colleagues who are not invited.

Don’t forget, if you use your password to customize your view of the website, you can see links to recent working papers, a list of who does what within NBER, access to forms to request travel reimbursement, and access to links to submit your working paper. Also, a *new* feature (in red, available ONLY for EEE) is that you can click a link to see all past emails that were sent to all EEE members via<> . You can also use that email address to send a message to all eee members about e.g. job postings or requests for proposals (but for a slight delay while somebody at NBER checks it out to prevent spam).

One important link is NOT readily accessible from that main page. The link to all programs of all NBER meetings is at, so you should SAVE that website! For example, from that website you can click on the 2015 Summer Institute, see the schedule for other research programs, and see updates to our own schedule for the EEE meeting organized by John List and Kerry Smith (including updates with names of discussants for the meeting July 20-21). The spring meeting is not yet announced.

Thanks, see you soon. Don
Prof. Don Fullerton, Finance Dept & IGPA
University of Illinois, Champaign IL 61820
Received on Sun May 03 2015 - 06:52:20 EDT