National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Spring 2014 Meeting Date

Spring 2014 Meeting Date

From: Catherine Wolfram <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 21:07:12 +0000

Hi Everyone-

As Don mentioned in an earlier email, we are planning to hold our Spring 2014 program meeting to overlap with the IO group. IO typically holds their meetings in Palo Alto in February, but scheduling can be tricky given February vacation weeks, so they are planning to meet January 24-25 (not technically spring, but often spring-like weather in Northern California!).

Given that this would be considerably earlier than our usual spring meeting, I'd like a quick reply if a January meeting would prevent you from submitting a paper and/or attending.

If you would be less likely to attend in January, but would attend sometime in March or April, please let me know. If you're happy with the date, no need to respond.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Received on Fri May 24 2013 - 17:07:12 EDT