National Bureau of Economic Research


From: Fullerton, Don <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 00:28:04 +0000

Dear NBER Researchers in EEE:

    Here are some answers to a few frequently-asked questions. First, the NBER w.p. series is limited to papers by NBER affiliates (Faculty Research Fellows or Research Associates), and papers by non-NBER affiliates that were presented at conferences that are going to be published in an NBER book or an NBER-sponsored special issue of a journal.

     Second, an NBER wp can analyze how various policies would affect prices, quantities, and consumer welfare, but it may not make a policy recommendation or offer a normative judgment about a policy. Thus, a paper could describe the effect of a new regulation on pollution levels or on employment, but it could not conclude that the regulation would be good or bad as a result of these consequences, or that the regulation should be adopted. Also, an NBER wp is not limited to original research for top journals; it can be a review paper that you want to be read by others.

    Third, while we ask you to use your own travel funds if available, the NBER will pay economy-fare travel costs to the EEE spring meeting and summer institute for any FRF or RA who does not have travel funds (and for an author or discussant who is not an RA or FRF). Please do not stay away from meetings for lack of travel funds; we want all members to attend! That means you can now plan your travel to Stanford, CA, for the meeting April 8 and 9 (Friday starting at lunch through Saturday mid-afternoon).

Thanks, Don
Prof. Don Fullerton
Finance Department and IGPA
University of Illinois, 4030 BIF Box#30 (MC520)
515 East Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 244-3621 (cell=512-750-6012)
Received on Wed Jan 19 2011 - 19:28:04 EST