National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: EEE Summer Institute Grad Student nominations

EEE Summer Institute Grad Student nominations

From: Charles D. Kolstad <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 11:43:50 -0700

Dear EEE family,

   The NBER Summer Institute on Environmental and Energy Economics will
be held in Cambridge, Mass July 29-30. John List and I are organizing.

   As has been the tradition, we have a limited number of travel
scholarships for PhD students to attend. Only students who have been
invited will be able to attend (due to space constraints). Even
students who pay their own way need an invitation.

   We have extended invitations to a few universities which typically
have many grad students to nominate a candidate for the travel
scholarship. This email is to solicit at large nominations from NBER
FRF's or RA's who have not been contacted to nominate someone for your
university. One condition is that you must accompany any chosen student
to the Summer Institute. If that is not in the cards, don't nominate

   It is likely that we will only be able to accommodate a very few
nominations. So prepare yourself!

   Please send any nominations to me along with a few sentences about
why the person would be good to attend the SI and an indication that you
will be accompanying the nominee. If you submit more than one name,
please rank them. I would need to hear from you by the end of May.



Charles D. Kolstad
Professor and Chair, Department of Economics
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Ph: 805.893.2108; Fx: 805.893.8830; papers:
Received on Tue May 25 2010 - 14:43:50 EDT