National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Innis Lecture

Innis Lecture

From: m. scott taylor <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 15:31:09 -0600

Dear Colleagues:


Sorry for spamming you but the attached lecture is not really appropriate
for a NBER discussion paper, but is hopefully of interest to the EEE group.


Every year some unlucky CDN economist gets hogtied into giving the Innis
Lecture at the Canadian Economics Meetings. This year I drew the short
straw. The attached lecture is titled "Environmental Crises: Past, Present
and Future." Although it touches on some of my previous work (Easter
Island and the Bison), it is not a review.


If you are too busy to read 50 pages, just read the abstract and then hit
SHIFT+CNTRL+N and type in 34 to see Figure 5 which sort of says it all. C=1
is a crisis; C=0 is a pristine environment. C is a mnemonic for Climate.


I have about one more week until final submission so if you are very quick,
comments are welcome. A version of it will appear in the November 2009
issue of the Canadian Journal of Economics. Please remember it is a lecture
and not a paper. It was designed to be somewhat provocative and timely.





M. Scott Taylor


Professor & Canada Research Chair

Research Associate NBER, ITI & EEE Programs

Department of Economics, SS 454, University of Calgary

2500 University Drive, N.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada



 (tel) 403-220-8912

(fax) 403-282-5262



Received on Fri Jul 10 2009 - 17:31:09 EDT