National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: EEE program and meetings

EEE program and meetings

From: Don Fullerton <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 17:59:23 -0500 (CDT)

To: Members, NBER Program on Environmental and Energy Economics (EEE)
From: Don Fullerton, Program Director

  Welcome again to the new EEE Program, including those from the former
Environmental Economics Working Group, and those in energy from Industrial
Organization and other NBER programs. Additional new RAs and FRFs will
soon be announced. See for more
info, including the new program description, list of members, and recent
working papers. If you are mistakenly listed or not listed as a member,
let me know. Some of the new members should please introduce yourself to
me at the first meeting! Also, if your recent NBER Working Paper on this
subject is not listed on the website, let me know.

  To communicate with other EEE members, you can write to,
attend program meetings, and submit working papers to NBER. Please let me
know if you have ideas for joint research, funding, or conferences.

  The first program meeting will be all day Friday, February 8, in Palo
Alto, CA, coordinated with the NBER's IO program (directed by Nancy Rose).
The morning will include 3 papers on environmental or natural resource
economics that are not necessarily IO-related. The afternoon is joint
with IO, including 3 papers of interest to both groups. The joint session
will be organized by Catherine Wolfram and Erin Mansur, both of whom are
already familiar with both groups. The rest of the IO meeting Saturday
morning will include papers that may not be about environment or energy
(but Nancy has invited EEE members to stay for Saturday's IO papers).

  All submissions for the EEE meeting should be sent to me by November 26,
at, in the form of an abstract or preferably a
whole paper. You can indicate if you think your paper is of interest to
both groups. I'll forward IO-related submissions to Catherine and Erin.

  Perhaps six EEE papers is a bit light to justify flying across the
country, so let me know if you have a strong opinion about whether to (a)
add a couple papers Thursday afternoon Feb.7, if the time difference
allows those from the east coast to arrive by 3pm, or (b) add papers
Saturday morning, to run at the same time as the rest of the IO meeting.
For an alternative use of Thursday-pm or Saturday-am, a subset of EEE
could discuss various ideas for funding, and/or NBER conference/books.

  This EEE meeting in February will be followed by the Summer Institute in
Cambridge Monday-Tuesday July 21-22, 2008, organized by Larry Goulder and
Michael Greenstone. The deadline for submissions for that meeting will be
March 18, 2008. After that, we will generally not be meeting at Stanford,
but usually in Cambridge in April.

  I look forward to seeing you in February. Thanks. Don

  Don Fullerton, Dept. of Economics, U.Texas, Austin, TX 78712
  (512) 475-8519, fax: (512) 471-3510, cell: (512) 750-6012
  Visiting Professor, Dept. Finance, U.Illinois, 304B DKH, MC-706
  1407 W. Gregory, Urbana, IL, 61801, office: (217) 244-3621, gets forwarded to
Received on Thu Sep 06 2007 - 18:59:23 EDT