National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: position at Brookings

position at Brookings

From: Grover J. Whitehurst <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 13:58:13 -0400

Dear members of the NBER education and children's programs,

I'm seeking inquiries from individuals interested in a position as a fellow or senior fellow in the Brown Center on Education Policy at the Brookings Institution. Brookings scholars carry out independent research and scholarship, engage with policymakers and the media, and provide innovative recommendations to government in order to advance the common good. The focus of the Brown Center is bringing the best evidence to bear on the formulation and implementation of education policy in the U.S.

I'm particularly interested in recruiting an economist with a track record in education research, strong quantitative and methodological skills, and an interest in collaborating with me and other scholars at Brookings on externally funded projects. This is part of a strategic roadmap under which the Center will carry out more primary research and analysis to complement its roles in synthesizing research, formulating policy recommendations, and creating bridges between the research and policy communities.

Salaries at Brookings are competitive. Because of Brookings status as the world's preeminent think tank, a position at Brookings provides unparalleled opportunities to influence policy and be a public intellectual. Unlike university employment, there are no assigned duties or teaching responsibilities. Also, unlike university employment, there is no tenure. Brookings is not a soft money shop in the sense that continuing employment for any individual depends on that individual having sufficient grant support at any given point in time to cover his or her costs. However, there is a strong expectation that new hires will carry their weight.

A formal announcement of this position will come later, subject to administrative approval, and the ensuing search will be guided by the terms of that announcement and established Brookings recruitment policies. My effort at this point is to open a dialogue with people who might be interested in being considered. I have in mind someone at the late early-career or early mid-career stage, but I'm pleased to consider inquiries from individuals with more or less experience.

Best regards,


Grover (Russ) Whitehurst, Ph.D.
The Herman and George R. Brown Chair
Senior Fellow
Director of the Brown Center on Education Policy
The Brookings Institution / 1775 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20036 / 202-797-6174
Received on Thu Jun 03 2010 - 13:58:13 EDT