National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER Economics of Education - last day for submissions

Subject: NBER Economics of Education - last day for submissions
From: Rob Shannon (
Date: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 10:39:58 EST

>Subject: NBER Economics of Education - last day for submissions
>Dear All,
>This is just a reminder that today is the last day for submissions to the
>NBER Summer Institute for the Economics of Education. It will be held on
>July 28 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Because a number of people have told
>me that the deadline is set during their spring breaks, I'll consider any
>submission that gets to me by Monday, which is April 4. If you have an
>incomplete paper that will be ready by summer, send an abstract.
>An extended abstract or a section of the paper is even better.
>An special reminder goes to those with younger colleagues who may be eager
>to present at the NBER even though they are not Faculty Research Fellows.
>Please encourage them to submit early and often! A person need not be a
>member of the NBER to submit. I cannot put papers on the program if I
>don't know about them, and they should not be discouraged if they don't
>get on the program on their first attempt.