National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: nominations for NBER Economics of Education

nominations for NBER Economics of Education

From: Caroline Hoxby <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 22:39:16 +0100 (CET)

Dear Members of the NBER Economics of Education program,

We are deeply grateful for your participation in the nomination process.  Your guidance in suggesting new members for the NBER is invaluable.

This being said, I want to clarify that all nominees are considered holistically on the criteria described by the NBER.  A count of the number of nominations is not a determinative metric, so multiple nominations and, in particular, "campaigns" are not necessary for selection.

Also, if you have nominated a person in recent years, rest assured that you need not rewrite your entire nomination message with attachments.  It may be helpful if you write a one sentence note saying that you remain interested in getting the nominee selected, but we are glad to save you time by using the recent nomination materials and updating them as needed.

All good wishes,


Caroline M. Hoxby
Scott and Donya Bommer Professor of Economics
Stanford University
Senior Fellow of The Hoover Institution
Director, Economics of Education Program, National Bureau of Economic Research
Department of Economics, 579 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford CA USA
assistant:  Rachel McGrath
Received on Wed Jan 26 2022 - 17:15:21 EST