National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Reminder: NBER SI submission deadline, noon March 18

Reminder: NBER SI submission deadline, noon March 18

From: Collins, William <william.collins_at_Vanderbilt.Edu>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 14:25:51 +0000

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to send a reminder to the group that the deadline is approaching for submissions for the Summer Institute program (Noon on March 18). More details are in the original call for papers, below.

Regarding the Spring program meeting's cancellation: We’re sorry that we’ll miss this opportunity to see everyone and discuss exciting new research. Our tentative plan is to carry over the papers that had been scheduled for appearance at the Spring Program meeting to the Summer Institute schedule. As circumstances evolve over the coming weeks, please feel free to reach out to us with questions or check the NBER website for updates.

Best wishes,

Bill and Leah


TO: NBER Development of the American Economy Program Members

FROM: Leah Platt Boustan and William Collins

DATE: January 29, 2020

RE: Summer Institute 2020 - Call for Papers

It is that time of year when we start planning for the NBER Summer

Institute. The Development of the American Economy workshop will take

place from July 6 - 9, 2020, at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge, MA.

Kris Mitchener, John Parman, and Allison Shertzer have kindly agreed

to organize this year's DAE SI program. As always, we would like to

have a range of topics covered. This year we are organizing two types

of sessions:

1) Regular sessions (50 minute presentations)

2) Egg-timer sessions (10 minute presentations without Q&A). The

egg-timer sessions are a good way to provide more people with an

opportunity to showcase their work. Time limits will be strictly enforced.

You can apply for either or both sessions. If you have a paper that

you would like to present, please upload a copy of your paper,

proposal or detailed abstract here by noon (EST) on March 18,


Submissions need not be completed papers, but full paper submissions

may have an advantage in selection for the 50-minute regular

sessions. Please note in the comments section of the submission page

if you would like your paper considered specifically for the

egg-timer session (rather than a 50-minute session). All papers that

are not selected for a 50-minute session will be considered for

egg-timer sessions.

You should feel free to forward this call for papers to colleagues

outside of the DAE program who may have a paper suitable for the

program. Papers by researchers with and without NBER affiliations,

by early career scholars, and by researchers from under-represented

groups, are welcome. Invitations and logistical information will be

sent out by early May.

If you have questions regarding other aspects of the Summer

Institute, please contact Rob Shannon in the NBER's Conference

Department, 617/868-3900 or<> We look forward to

seeing you all in Cambridge.
Received on Thu Mar 12 2020 - 07:25:50 EDT