National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NICHD funding opportunity: Academic-Community Partnership Conference series

NICHD funding opportunity: Academic-Community Partnership Conference series

From: Janet Stein <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 10:33:45 -0500

To: Members of the NBER Children's Program

NICHD has just released the following
announcement. The next due date for this funding
opportunity is April 10, 2012. If you would
like to discuss possible research topics, Janet
Currie would be happy to hear from you. If you
would like to learn more about what is involved
in preparing a proposal and how we can help, let
me know. We look forward to working with you.

Janet Stein

>Academic-Community Partnership Conference Series (R13), PAR-12-102.
>The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
>Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
>encourages Research Conference Grant (R13)
>applications to conduct health
>disparities-related meetings, workshops, and symposia.
>· The purpose of the Academic-Community
>Partnership Conference Series is to bring
>together academic institutions/organizations and
>community organizations to identify
>opportunities for addressing health disparities
>through the use of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR).
>· The objectives of meetings conducted
>as part of this award will be to: (1) establish
>and/or enhance academic-community partnerships;
>(2) identify community-driven research
>priorities, and (3) develop long-term
>collaborative CBPR research agendas. Thus, it is
>expected these partnerships will lead to grant
>applications for the support of CBPR projects
>designed to meet identified community needs.
>· The areas of focus for these
>partnerships may include one or more of the
>following community-health issues: infant
>mortality; Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS);
>fibroid tumors; childhood, adolescent, and/or
>adult obesity; health literacy; techniques for
>outreach and information dissemination;
>pediatric and maternal HIV/AIDS prevention; and violence prevention.
>· A conference grant application is
>required to contain a permission-to-submit
>letter from the Scientific/Research Contact
>listed below. Applicants are urged to initiate
>contact well in advance of the chosen
>application receipt date and no later than 4
>weeks before that date. Please note that
>agreement to accept an application does not guarantee funding.
>*Note: This reissue of the Academic-Community
>Partnership Conference Series award now utilizes
>the R13 mechanism instead of the U13 mechanism.

Janet Stein
Program Administrator
National Bureau of Economic Research
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

phone: (617) 588-0366
fax: (617) 868-2742
Received on Wed Feb 15 2012 - 10:33:45 EST