National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Funding opportunity on Risk Behavior/Youth Development

Funding opportunity on Risk Behavior/Youth Development

From: Janet Stein <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 09:38:25 -0500

To: Children's Program Researchers...

NICHD has just issued a new program announcement for R01 proposals
on <>Reducing
Risk Behaviors by Promoting Positive Youth Development (R01). I have
included a brief program summary, the research objectives, and the link to
the complete guidelines below. (Please don't worry about the sections that
refer to the need to register for electronic submission. NBER is already
registered, and we have experience with electronic submissions and can
guide you through.)

If you would like to discuss possible research topics, Jon Gruber would be
happy to hear from you. If you would like to learn more about what is
involved in preparing a proposal and how we can help, let me know. Besides
answering any questions about the grant requirements, I can send you
samples of successful past proposals from the Children's Program.

Please feel free to contact Jon or me with any questions. I look forward
to working with you.

Janet Stein
Coordinator, Program on Children

Reducing Risk Behaviors by Promoting Positive Youth Development (PA-08-241)


This FOA supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Cancer Institute,
the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National
Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Institute of Nursing Research is
designed to stimulate a theoretically grounded program of research to
promote the development, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of
effective, positive youth development programs for youth from childhood to
young adulthood. A multilevel approach will be taken which includes the
promotion of positive youth development, the reduction of risk behaviors,
and consideration of family, community, social, and political context.


A goal of positive youth development is the promotion of healthy physical,
intellectual, psychosocial and emotional development in youth and
adolescents. Positive youth development equips young people with
attributes, skills, competencies, and values that will contribute to their
future role as productive, socially-minded, healthy citizens likely to
succeed in areas of family, work, and society. Research on understanding
effective elements of positive youth development aligns with the intent of
the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to extend healthy life and to
reduce the burden of illness and disability through biomedical and
behavioral research.

The intention of this FOA is to fund high quality, behavioral and social
science research with health and behavioral outcomes that will advance the
field of positive youth development. Descriptive and intervention research
may be proposed and prospective applicants are encouraged to consult
Institute program officials early in the development of their research ideas.


Research objectives of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) include:
1) understanding elements of effective youth development programs,
including the identification and utilization of personal and social assets;
2) the development, implementation, and evaluation of new or improved
positive youth development programs; 3) the evaluation of existing
successfulprograms that lack rigorous scientific evaluation; or 4) the
evaluation of effective, evidence-based, gender-inclusive programs that are
adapted, translated, or disseminated for new populations of youth and
adolescents (e.g., cultural groups, high risk populations, disenfranchised
individuals, or individuals with disabilities or chronic diseases for whom
the programs were not originally designed).
Received on Wed Aug 20 2008 - 10:38:25 EDT