National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: FW: Grant Opportunity from RWJF

FW: Grant Opportunity from RWJF

From: Grossman, Michael <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 15:14:08 -0500

The message below contains information about a major new research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Michael Grossman
National Bureau of Economic Research
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From: McGeary, Kerry Anne []
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:37 PM
To: Grossman, Michael <>
Subject: Grant Opportunity from RWJF

Hello Mike,

It has been a long time. I hope you are doing well. I am still hoping to make it up to the NBER sometime soon.

One of the things that I have been working on for the last two years is a new research program that I co-direct, Policies for Action, here is the link --><>.

I am writing today with the hope that you would be willing to share the following funding opportunity with NBER HE program. Also, would you be willing to forward this to other program directors as well? For instance, Public Economics, Political Economics, Children, Economics of Education and Labor Studies may find this opportunity of interest.

Below you will find a description of the program and the link to the CFP that you could forward to the HE program and other program directors, if you are willing.

Let me know if you have any questions and if you are willing to forward this to your program's members.


Kerry Anne
RWJF is seeking proposals for its Policies for Action[]<> (P4A) research program. P4A is a launched a Call for Proposals (CFP)[]<> with up to $1.5 million in funding (or $250K in individual grants up to two years) for research efforts that identify policies, laws and regulations in the public and private sectors that support improvements in population health, well-being or equity. Our focus is intentionally wide-ranging. We recognize that policies developed both within health and prevention sectors and beyond-in education, economics, transportation, justice, and housing, for example-can ultimately affect the ability of all Americans to lead healthy lives.
The goal is to build an evidence base that provides legislators and policymakers as well as public agencies, advocates and other stakeholders with the data and information they need to formulate laws, regulations and policies to improve health, wellbeing and equity.
We welcome any area of research that aligns with Policies for Action's objectives, but particular considerations will be given to research on policies that:
* Focus on early childhood, or have lifelong, even multigenerational, benefits.
* Are preventive rather than remedial.
* Advance a community's own priorities. For instance, researchers looking at government and community policy initiatives might explore both health outcomes and the business case for these efforts.
* Highlight collaboration between the public and private sectors, or innovations within the private sector.
To learn more please see the CFP,[]<>.
~~~~~ Please contact Kelly Schulthies,<>, to schedule an appointment~~~~~

Kerry Anne McGeary, PhD

Senior Program Officer
Research, Evaluation and Learning
Office: 609 627-6244
twitter: mcg_ka<>

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
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~~~~~ Please contact Kelly Schulthies,<>, to schedule an appointment~~~~~
Received on Thu Jan 28 2016 - 16:16:48 EST