National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: schedule

Subject: schedule
From: John Cochrane (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2005 - 15:16:48 EST

Several of you have asked about the spring meeting. This spring, the AP
group is hosting the "universities research conference" on may 13-14. Owen
Lamont and Darrell Duffle are organizing it. Here is a link to the call for
As a result, we won't have the usual spring meeting. We will have a summer
institute as always. The call for papers on that should go out shortly
John H. Cochrane
Graduate School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 S. Woodlawn
Chicago IL 60637

773 702 3059
773 702 0458 GSB fax
773 834 2031 my secretary's fax
My office: HPC 459

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