National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: more on RA and FRF nominations

Subject: more on RA and FRF nominations
From: John H. Cochrane (
Date: Thu Feb 26 2004 - 12:01:13 EST

Thanks to all who have sent nominations. More are still welcome; it's nice
to have a broad base of support for nominees.

Please feel free to repeat nominations for the people you like. Since I am
limited to 3 new people per year, your choice may not make it in the first
time, but may make it in later. Also, tenured people can be appointed as RA.

The best way for new people to join the AP group is to present their
papers. Then the group gets to know them, and more people support their
nomination. Thus, please encourage your nominees to send papers in for
consideration to the meetings! It's harder to appoint someone, especially
a few years out, who has never presented anything at the meetings.

Also, I maintain a widely distributed "call for papers" list. Just about
anyone can get on it by emailing lita kimble, and then they'll know about
upcoming meetings directly.

Thanks again


John H. Cochrane
Graduate School of Business
University of Chicago
1101 E. 58th St.
Chicago IL 60637
773 702 3059

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