National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Research on the Umeå database

Research on the Umeå database

From: Joan Stillwell <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 15:36:26 -0400

Dear aging program members:

Does anyone have an interest in this
database? We have now been asked to respond by
Oct. 14 if possible.--Joan Stillwell

>Dear P30 Directors,
>Attached is an overview of a database prepared
>by Statistics Sweden and researchers at the
>Ageing and Living Conditions Research Programme
>at Umeå University in Sweden. The database
>combines data from a wide variety of sources
>(population register, multiple censuses, death
>register, specialized databases) for the
>population of Sweden. BSR is considering
>co-sponsoring a workshop on the database to be
>held in Sweden to help facilitate use of the data.
>To gauge interest, Richard would like to get a
>sense of whether anyone at the NIA Demography
>Centers would be interested in working on this
>database and whether your Center would consider
>sponsoring someone to attend the workshop in Sweden.
>Please circulate the overview to affiliates at
>your Centers and let me know if this is of
>interest to anyone. I'll collect your responses
>and pass them on to Richard. You should also
>feel free to contact Richard directly with any questions or feedback.
>Many thanks and best regards, Mary Beth
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gunnar Malmberg []
>Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 8:56 AM
>To: Suzman, Richard (NIH/NIA) [E];
>Subject: Research on the Umeå database
>Dear Dr Suzman and Dr King
>I am writing to you with news about the research
>and the database we presented to you at our
>visit to NIA in October last year. Unfortunately
>it has taken some time for us to get the
>database in order, but now the so-called
>Linnaeus-database is finally delivered from
>Statistics Sweden to the Centre for Population
>Studies/Ageing and Living Condition program at
>Umeå University and it is now possible to
>initiate research project based on the database.
>We have also outlined various new research
>fields that will be carried out by researcher
>here at ALC based on the new database. This
>means that we are ready to start our research on
>the new database and also to invite
>international researchers to working jointly
>with us with our data and research fields.
>When we visited NIA in October last year you
>suggested that a workshop was organized here in
>Umeå in cooperation between NIA and some of the
>Swedish research councils. We have asked the
>Research Council for Working Life and Social
>Sciences to be the Swedish counterpart and we
>have received positive response from them.
>We now want to proceed with the plans and ask
>you if you are still interested in facilitating
>collaboration between the ALC and US ageing
>researcher interested in working together with us on the Linnaeus database.
>I attach a brief description of the
>Linnaeus-database, which also includes a short
>summary of some of the current sub-projects and
>a presentation of the preconditions for
>international research to work with us with the data in the Linnaeus-database
>If you want any additional information about the
>database or the research, please let us know.
>I and my colleagues here in Umeå look forward
>to hear your response to our proposal.
>Best regards
>Gunnar Malmberg

Joan P. Stillwell
Program Administrator
Economics of Aging, NBER

Received on Tue Oct 13 2009 - 15:36:26 EDT