National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Fwd: Call for papers

Subject: Fwd: Call for papers
From: Joan Stillwell (
Date: Wed Oct 26 2005 - 14:05:20 EDT

TO: Aging, Health Care, and Health Economics Program Members
The call for papers reproduced below is forwarded at the request of Michael
Call for papers for presentation at a conference on

Comparative International Research Based on HRS, ELSA and SHARE

RAND Center for the Study of Aging

July 10 and 11, 2006

Santa Monica, CA

  The Health and Retirement Study, the English Longitudinal Study of
Ageing, and the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe are based
on similar survey instruments so as to facilitate comparative cross-country
research. The aim of this conference is to present research based on these
three data sets. Papers on any topic, including methodological papers,
will be considered. Especially encouraged is research that will take
advantage of the interactions among health (broadly conceived to include,
for example, mood, cognition and performance measures), social
interactions, and economic status including labor market
behavior. Preference will be given to papers that use at least two of the
three data sets.

The RAND Center will pay for travel and accommodations for at least one
author and possibly two depending on total budget.

Please send abstracts by December 1, 2005 to Diana Malouf (
<> ). The abstract should say which
data sets will be used. Invited authors will be notified by December 10, 2005.

Attendees may want to stay for the RAND Summer Institute, which will be
held July 12-15. See
for information about RSI 2005.