National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Summer Institute Clambake

Subject: Summer Institute Clambake
From: Rob Shannon (
Date: Wed Jul 12 2000 - 15:04:44 EDT

Dear NBER Members:

Please note that if you signed up for the clambake during the third week of
Summer Institute, it is now going to be held on Thursday, August 3 at 6:00
pm not on Wednesday, August 2 as was previously announced. It will still
be held at the Harvard Faculty Club, 20 Quincy Street, Cambridge.

If you have not returned your form and plan to attend, please do so as soon
as possible to fax 617/864-1825. If you have already returned your form,
we'll assume you will still be attending.

Please contact the NBER's Conference Dept. if you have any questions at
617/868-3900 or email

Thank you.

Rob Shannon
Assistant Director, Conferences