National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Wesley Clair Mitchell Visiting Research Professorship, Columbia University, 2013-2014

Wesley Clair Mitchell Visiting Research Professorship, Columbia University, 2013-2014

From: Donald Davis <>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 19:06:11 -0400

The Department of Economics at Columbia University invites applications for
the Wesley Clair Mitchell Research Professorship in Economics for
2013-2014. One or more Research Professors will be chosen to spend a
semester or academic year in residence at Columbia as guests of the
Department. They will be given office space and the opportunity to pursue
their own research on any topics in economics. They may participate in the
University's teaching program if mutually agreed and with the approval of
the Dean of the Faculty.

Compensation for Research Professors varies with circumstances, including
seniority, and standing in the profession. Research Professors may combine
the support from Columbia with other sources of funding to replace up to
the full amount of their academic-year salaries at their home institutions
corresponding to the period of the visit.

The Wesley Clair Mitchell Research Professorship is open to any Ph.D.
economist who currently holds a full-time position in a university or a
research organization. Complete applications should include a CV, research
statement, and contact information for two references. Those interested
should apply by emailing Robert Robinson at .

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Donald R. Davis
Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of Economics
Columbia University
(212) 854-4037
Received on Mon Oct 01 2012 - 19:06:11 EDT