National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Sad News

Sad News

From: James Poterba <>
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2011 09:31:11 -0400

Dear NBER Researchers and Staff -

I am sorry to convey the news that Robert E. Baldwin, an NBER Research
Associate in the International Trade and Investment Program and a
long-time faculty member at the University of Wisconsin at Madison,
passed away last Thursday at the age of 86. Bob was an undergraduate at
the University of Buffalo, and he received his Ph.D. at Harvard in
1950. In the course of his academic career he taught at Harvard and
UCLA as well as Wisconsin, where he was the Hilldale Professor of
Economics Emeritus. He also served as the Chief Economist in President
Kennedy's Office of the Special Trade Representative (STR), and advised
many international organizations and governments on trade policy matters.

Bob was a leading contributor to the fields of international and
development economics. He joined the NBER as a Research Associate in
1982, and was an energetic participant in many NBER meetings - including
most recently the 2010 Summer Institute. Bob played an important role
in the NBER and in the field of economics more generally, and he will be
deeply missed. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to the
University of Wisconsin Foundation for the Economics Department, 1813
University Avenue, Madison WI 53726.

Jim Poterba
Received on Sat Apr 09 2011 - 09:31:11 EDT