National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Thanksgiving wishes

Thanksgiving wishes

From: James Poterba <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 09:02:50 -0500

Dear Staff Colleagues -

     Happy Thanksgiving!   As we take time this week to reflect and
express our gratitude for our many gifts, I want to thank all of you for
the extraordinary honor and privilege of working together.  The past
year has been another remarkable one for the NBER, as we've restored
many pre-pandemic activities, often with pandemic-induced innovations. 
I am sincerely grateful for all that you have done to advance the NBER's
mission.  I want to extend particular thanks, and welcome, to our new
staff members, who have brought exciting perspectives, energy, and
expertise to our organization.

     Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to support those in our community
who are in need.  In each of the last two years, in lieu of our holiday
luncheon, have made instititional contributions to four local charities
that provide a lifeline to our less fortunate neighbors:  the Cambridge
Community Foundation, Food For Free, the Women's Lunch Place in Boston,
and the Greater Boston Food Bank. I have been moved by the enthusiasm
for this initiative that many staff members have expressed to me.

     This year, the holiday party will return -- please mark your
calendars for Tuesday December 13, when we'll close the Cambridge office
at 12:30 and gather at the Charles Hotel for a holiday luncheon.  Secret
Santa will also be back -- be on the lookout for an email next Monday. 
I do not, however, want the return of our holiday festivities to
diminish our community outreach, so NBER will continue to support these
four worthy institutions and their important work.

     I hope that you will be able to join with family and friends to
celebrate this special holiday.  All best wishes.

Received on Wed Nov 23 2022 - 09:03:13 EST