National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: No Staff Meeting -- January 26

No Staff Meeting -- January 26

From: James Poterba <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 00:00:52 -0500

Dear Staff Colleagues -

      The last week has been one of the few in the last two years when I
have been hard pressed to come up with any agenda items that warrant a
staff meeting.  The new windows in our New York office continue to open
spontaneously, creating disruption for those who work there.  There were
ten turkeys in the square in front of 1050 Mass. Ave. on a recent
afternoon.  And omicron remains with us, although Boston case counts
seem to have peaked. All interesting developments, but not a list that
seems to justify a staff meeting.

       I therefore propose that we cancel today's staff meeting, and
plan to gather once again at 11am next Wednesday, February 2. I look
forward to seeing you all then.


PS  If any of the group that usually stays on after the staff meeting
adjourns would like to gather, please feel free to get together at 11am on

Passcode: 253667
Received on Wed Jan 26 2022 - 07:09:08 EST