GDP: "Data on net national product are from Gregory (1982, T. 3.2)," "net national product, Russian Empire, millions of credit" roubles. Capital Formation: "Data on capital formation are from Gregory (1982, T. 3.2)," "net investment, Russian Empire, millions of credit roubles. " Data include inventories. Data on inventories are from "Gregory (1982, T. 3.2), inventories, total, Russian Empire," millions of credit roubles. Current Account: "Data on the current account are from Gregory (1982, T. 3.2)," "net foreign investment, Russian Empire, millions of credit" roubles. The current account data include net exports of silver. Gold: "Data on the monetary gold stock are from United States, Annual" Report of the Director of the Mint (various years). Data for 1880-1891 are calculated as the sum of bullion and gold coin of the Treasury at the Bank of Russia plus gold specie on hand at the Bank of Russia (belonging especially to the Bank of Russia). Data on the monetary gold stock from 1891 to 1914 are the sum of gold coin in circulation plus gold coin and bullion in the treasuries and the State Bank. Data on net exports of gold from 1885 to 1913 are from "United States, Annual Report of the Director of the Mint" "(various years). Missing data for 1900, 1901, 1912 are" estimated using a regression of net exports on net national product and changes in the monetary gold stock for all other "years of available data (1885-1899, 1902-1911, 1913)." Predicted values from this regression are used to proxy the missing net gold exports data. United States dollar values are converted to roubles at the exchange rate of 0.7718 roubles per U.S. dollar until the "end of 1897, then 0.514556. Data on monetary gold and net" exports of gold are converted from roubles to credit roubles by multiplying by a factor of 1.5.