GDP: GDP data are calculated by taking the figures for GNP and subtracting net factor incomes and current transfers received "from the rest of the world. GNP data from 1861 to 1925 are from Italy, ISTAT (1957, T. 36, col. 6, p. 249-250), reddito" nazionale lordo ai prezzi di mercato (gross national product "at market prices), milioni di lire. Net factor incomes from" "abroad are from ISTAT (1957, T. 36, col. 3, p. 249-250)," "Esterno redditi netti dall'estero, milioni di lire. Current" "transfers are from ISTAT (1957, T. 39, col. 4, p. 255)," "trasferimenti correnti, saldo, milioni di lire. GNP data for" "1926 to 1945 are from ISTAT (1986), T. 8.1, p. 143, col. 1," "reddito nazionale netto (net national income), plus col. 2," ammortamenti (depreciation). Net factor incomes from abroad "are from ISTAT (1986, T. 8.11, p. 151, cols. 2, 7)," exportazione redditi dei fattori less importazione redditi dei fattori (exports of factor income less imports of factor income). Capital Formation: "Data from 1861 to 1925 are from ISTAT (1957, T. 44, col. 6," "pp. 264-265), investimenti lordi (gross investment), current" prices. Data includes stocks. Data for 1926 to 1945 are from "ISTAT (1986), T. 8.1, p. 143, col. 6, investimenti lordi" (gross investment). Data on changes in stocks from 1861 to "1925 are from ISTAT (1957, T. 44, pp. 264-265, col. 5)," Variazioni scorte (change in stocks). Data on changes in "stocks for 1926 to 1945 are from ISTAT (1986, T. 8.28, p. 166," "col. 5), variazione delle scorte (change in stocks). " Current Account: "Data from 1861 to 1925 are from ISTAT (1957, T. 39, col. 5, p." "255), Bilancia dei pagamenti correnti, conto transazioni e" "trasferimenti correnti (balance of current payments, including" current transfers) Data for 1926 to 1945 are from ISTAT "(1986, T. 8.11, p. 151, col. 11), Saldi, transazioni correnti" "(settlement of current transactions), equal to the sum of net" "exports of goods, services, factor income, and transfers. " "Merchandise trade figures include silver bullion, but exclude" gold bullion and silver coin of the Latin Union. The current account excluding gold is therefore taken to be the the same as the original current account figure. Gold: Data for 1861 to 1936 are from Di Mattia (1967). Data for "gold and silver coin withdrawn from T. 8, pp. 473-474, cols. 1" "and 2 (withdrawn coins, gold and silver). Data for gold and" "silver coined and recoined from T. 9, pp. 477-478, col. 1" "(coinage and recoinage, gold and silver). Imports and exports" "data from T. 10, pp. 481-482, cols. 1, 2, 5, 6 (exports" "unrefined gold, exports gold coin, imports unrefined gold," imports gold coin). Since gold and silver flows are not shown separately "prior to 1978, our 1861-1877 data for gold specie exports are calculated by taking the average of gold specie to total" specie exports for the years 1878-1936 and multiplying by the "annual figure for total specie exports. Similarly, 1861-1877" data for unrefined gold exports are calculated by taking the average of gold specie to total specie exports for the years "1878-1936, and multiplying by the annual figure for total" unrefined gold and silver exports. The data for gold imports are calculated similarly. The change in the monetary gold stock is calculated as the sum of specie imports less specie exports plus coinage and recoinage less withdrawn coin. Data on official reserves of "gold from ISTAT (1968, T. 83, p. 105, col. 11). " Refs: "Di Mattia, Renato (1967), I bilanci degli istituti di emissione" italiani "dal 1845 al 1936, altre serie storiche di interesse monetario e" "fonti," "Banca D'Italia, Roma, 1967." "ISTAT (1957), Indagine Statistica sullo sviluppo del reddito" nazionale "dell'italia dal 1861 al 1956," "Annali di Statistica, anno 86, Serie VIII, vol. 9," "Istituto Centrale di Statistica, Roma." "ISTAT (1968), Sommario di Statistiche Storiche Dell' Italia" "1861-1965," "Istituto Centrale di Statistica, Roma." "ISTAT (1986), Sommario di Statistiche Storiche 1926-1985," "Istituto Centrale di Statistica, Roma." "Mitchell, B. R. (1993), International Historical Statistics Europe" 1750-1988 "3rd ed., Stockton Press, New York." "Rossi, Nicola; Sorgato, Andrea and Toniolo, Gianni (1992)," "Italian Historical Statistics: 1890-1990," "Dipartimento di scienze economiche, universita degli studi de" "venezia," "nota di lavoro n. 92.18, November."