CORRECTED for January 2001 - December 2002 only * 2001 EXTRACT ON THIS | JOB ARE | YOU | Original COVERED BY | Covered by a union contract A UNION | 1 2 . | Total -----------+---------------------------------+---------- YES | 2,413 115 63 | 2,591 NO | 0 144,428 1,439 | 145,867 . | 9 1,376 153,193 | 154,578 -----------+---------------------------------+---------- Total | 2,422 145,919 154,695 | 303,036 * 93% yes to yes ; 4.4% yes to no ; 2.4% yes to missing ; * 99% no to no ; * 99.1% missing to missing ; ********************************************************** * 2002 EXTRACT ON THIS | JOB ARE | YOU | Original COVERED BY | Covered by a union contract A UNION | 1 2 . | Total -----------+---------------------------------+---------- YES | 2,517 5 2 | 2,524 NO | 0 157,144 132 | 157,276 . | 2 74 170,096 | 170,172 -----------+---------------------------------+---------- Total | 2,519 157,223 170,230 | 329,972