================= ** by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 2014-03-05 ; ** Purpose: Calculate U.S. Population for a Single Year ; libname _1990 "/homes/web/html/data/census-intercensal-population/"; ** has pop90s.sas7bdat ; libname _2000 "/homes/web/html/data/census-intercensal-population/2000s/"; ** has st_est00int_agesex.sas7bdat ; proc means data=_1990.pop90s sum ; var pop; where year = 1999; proc means data=_2000.st_est00int_agesex sum ; var popestimate2009; where state = 0 and sex = 0 and age = 999 ; ================= This directory contains US Census intercensal population estimates by state, age and sex for 1970 to 1999. Variables: year all years fips all years state fips code (1-56) state all years state name (1990+) or 2-letter abbreviation (1970-1989) state2 all years 2-letter state abbreviation age 1980+ age agegr 1970-1979 age category pop 1970-1979 population popm 1980+ male population popf 1980+ female population Interestingly the agegr variable has two values for 62-64 years of age, "62-64M" and "62-64F", presumably showing the distribution by sex for those ages only. In the original tables the state is given both as a fips code and a character variable which is sometimes a 2-letter abbreviation and sometimes the full name spelled out. I have created a new variable state2 which is always a 2 letter abbreviation. If someone wants to send me code to interpolate the age variable from agegr, I'd be glad to run that. In addition to the three .dta (stata) files forwarded by Steve Pischke, there are .dta and .csv files combining all 30 years into one. Only these combined files have the state2 variable. Translation was done by Stat/Transfer. Daniel Feenberg 28 April 2006 ================= Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 17:28:40 +0100 From: Steve Pischke To: norberg at nber dot org Subject: original population files Here are the original files with the population data, basically just reading the Census Bureau information into Stata Since these were typically single year files, it is probably quite useful to have this put together. You can give it to Dan if he wants to put it on the NBER data website. Steve ================= 2000-2010 update at http://www.census.gov/popest/data/intercensal/state/state2010.html http://www.census.gov/popest/data/intercensal/state/tables/ST-EST00INT-02/ST-EST00INT-02-36.csv New York http://www.census.gov/popest/data/intercensal/state/tables/ST-EST00INT-02/ST-EST00INT-02-36.xls New York