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About Recovery Act Data

About Data

Recovery Act Recipient Reports Data (Recovery tab)

The data presented on the Recovery tab of are downloaded from, the website created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act), and have not been altered. Except for the additional of some data fields, they are identical to what the public can download as recipient reported data from

The Recovery tab of allows searching of over 100,000 reports from prime recipients of more than $250 billion in contracts, grants, and loans awarded under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (Recovery Act) between Feb. 17, 2009 and June 30, 2012, as well as additional information on sub-recipients and vendors. Recipients of Recovery Act funds are required to report quarterly about use of the money they receive. The first reports were made public on Oct. 30, 2009. uses a dataset that was last updated on Sep. 19, 2012.

Users can search through these records - individually or in aggregate - for a particular prime recipient, sub-recipient, ZIP code, congressional district, federal agency, award amount, and more.

In some cases, presents or processes data on the Recovery tab in a different way than it is shown in the original government database. This is generally done for the convenience of users so data is more understandable and accessible. The original data fields and information from the government are also available unmodified in the Recovery tab of and may be seen if the user chooses the "Recipient Reports" level of detail option available on all data searches in the Recovery tab. For more information on data fields in the Recovery tab, see the Recovery Data Dictionary.

"Net Amount Retained"

While the Center for Effective Government has not changed the data from, we have added a new field, called "Net Amount Retained." The Net Amount Retained is the amount of money a prime recipient or sub-recipient does not pass on to another entity (such as a sub-recipient or vendor). This field is used to show the extent to which Recovery Act funds are passed from the prime recipient to a sub-recipient or a vendor without double-counting funds in the totals for searches.'s Recovery tab includes the "retained" calculation because it can be useful for understanding the actual amount of Recovery Act funding that stays with a certain entity or at a certain location.

For example, a search (see below or here) for how much money went to recipients in Arizona shows that prime recipients in the state were awarded $4.3 billion; they provided $1.1 billion in sub-awards and $235 million to vendors for a net amount retained of $3.0 billion. Note that some of the sub-awards or payments to vendors might be outside of Arizona, so they don't match the independent totals within the search for sub-recipients and vendors located in Arizona. (The website provides different levels of detail to learn more about where the money is going.)

Sub-recipients in the state received $1.1 billion; they provided $2 million to vendors (the government is not collecting information on the amount sub-recipients provide in sub-awards) for a net amount retained of $1.1 billion. Vendors located in the state received $12.7 million from both prime and sub-recipients. Adding each of the net amounts retained plus the payments to vendors gives the total net amount of Recovery Act funds retained by Arizona recipients, which is $4 billion for this search.

Cumulative vs Quarterly Datasets

The Web site now supplies, and uses, a cumulative dataset as well as a quarter-by-quarter dataset. The basic purpose of the cumulative dataset is as follows: recipients of Recovery Act funds must report in each quarter. Each quarter's report contains the full award amount they have been awarded to date, the full amount they have received, and so on -- not just the amount awarded or received in that quarter. Therefore, adding recipient reports from more than one quarter together in a straightforward way would result in double or multiple counting.

However, you can't just use the latest quarter information by itself if you want a full picture of Recovery Act funds, because it won't include recipients whose project completed in earlier quarter(s) and therefore didn't report in the latest one. The cumulative dataset includes records from all quarters that can be added together in a straightforward way to get a total of Recovery Act funds.

To quote a prior version of the site from when the last quarter ended March 2010, the cumulative dataset "include[s] data on: awards made from January 1, 2010 ? March 31, 2010 that recipients reported on in April 2010; projects completed prior to March 31, 2010; and projects not completed prior to March 31, 2010 that the recipients should have reported on again in April 2010, but did not."

We believe that most users of Recovery Act data will want to use the cumulative dataset. The cumulative dataset is what has been used to prepare all of the tables that are accessed through the sidebar, and is the default for all searches. However, users who would prefer the quarterly dataset (because they wish to which reports actually came in in which quarter) can select that instead through the Advanced search. Because it would be highly confusing to add together records in the quarterly dataset across quarters, you can only see one quarter of data at a time if you do this.

Records in the cumulative dataset have apparently been assigned to the latest quarter by if the award that they are for extends into that quarter. The only records for earlier quarters are apparently only those that ended in that quarter.

Choice of which quarter you would like to retrieve through the Advanced Search works along with cumulative vs quarter dataset as follows:

  1. If you do a cumulative search with no quarter choice, you get a cumulative total of all the Recovery awards so far (that meet the other criteria of your search).
  2. If you do a cumulative search and choose a quarter, you get either:
    1. All of the projects that finished in that quarter, if you chose a quarter that is not the latest one, or;
    2. All of the projects that either started in the quarter or continued into it, if you chose the latest quarter.
  3. If you do a quarterly search, you must choose a quarter or it defaults to the latest one. You get whichever projects were reported on in the quarter that you chose.

A Note on Data Quality

As noted above, the data on the Recovery tab of were reported by recipients of Recovery Act funds and have not been altered by the Center for Effective Government. The site to which recipients report,, performs minimal checks on the information to ensure that recipient reports are accurate. Recipients of Recovery Act funds are allowed to enter questionable (for example, zero jobs reported created or saved for projects expending more than $1 million) and even nonsensical (for example, entering spending reports for congressional districts that do not exist) data. Currently, and have no mechanisms to screen for these data.

An example of poor data quality can be seen on the summary view for the entire Recovery tab dataset (see here). The amount awarded to sub-recipients by prime recipients should equal the amount received by sub-recipients from prime recipients. However, the method by which we calculate both amounts indicates that these two figures are not equal. This inequality is the result of sub-recipient reports containing award amounts different from what is indicated in prime recipient reports and errors in other data that link prime recipient reports to sub-recipient reports.

It is important to note that one of the reasons transparency is important is because it serves to improve data quality. That millions of people have seen these reports and call into question some of the data is the first step toward implementing policies and technology that will increase the quality of data reported by recipients of federal funds.

Background on Recovery Act Recipient Reporting

On Feb. 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the Recovery Act, providing $787 billion to boost the economy and address the nation's health, education, energy, and infrastructure needs. Most of the money will be spent by 2012, with the largest amounts being spent in 2010.

President Obama promised unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability for this law. Before signing it, the president said every American would be able to easily track the spending online and announced the launching of The website provides public access to roughly one-third of the $787 billion in Recovery Act funding; it only includes information on federal grants, loans, and contracts, and nothing on entitlements or tax breaks.

This is the first time that recipients of federal funds must report in a timely and transparent manner. While this new approach has potential to set a precedent for reporting and disclosure under annual federal spending, the first round has also been fraught with data quality issues. Since the data on this website comes from, it includes whatever data errors that website contains. Data (Contracts and Assistance tabs)

Duplicate records and IDs in data from

There were 16 pairs of records in FPDS, the contracts database, with the same unique_transaction_ids -- these are IDs that are supposed to uniquely identify each record, but did not in these cases. Checking these records on showed that each of the records was apparently real, not merely a complete duplicate of another. Therefore, all of these records were kept on, but we modified the unique_transaction_ids of 16 of them by adding an "x" at the end of the ID, so that the IDs would actually be unique. We tried to contact but were unable to obtain any more information on this problem.

There were 13,169 pairs of records in FAADS, the assistance database, with the same unique_transaction_ids -- these are IDs that are supposed to uniquely identify each record, but did not in these cases. Of these records, 116 were from various agencies, but the large majority of them were loan records from the Export-Import Bank. Checking some records on showed that only one of each pair of records was displayed. In addition, the pairs of records were mostly identical to each other within each pair, except for a few data fields. In particular, the recipient category data field contained the code translation as well as the code for half the records, and just the code for the other half.

Since half of these apparently doubled records do not seem to appear on, has deleted the doubles from its database, deleting the record of each pair whose recipient type category was not translated. This results in the unique_transaction_ids in FAADS being actually unique once again. We tried to contact about this but were unable to obtain any more information on this problem.

Unusual Datapoint in FY2009 Data Load (added November 2, 2009)

There was some unusual data contained within the data load launched on October 22, 2009 related to the "Construction of structures and facilities" product and service code. Specifically, currently shows the federal government to have deallocated just under $8 billion in FY 2009 for that product and service code (see screenshot below). While deallocations are present throughout the dataset, it is very unusual to have such a large deallocation.

After investigating the data further, it appears a single contract transaction to EMERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. was incorrectly entered into the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) on September 29, 2009 (the second to last day of FY 2008). This transaction was for over $13 billion, or 62 times more money than Emerson had received in all of its federal contracts totaled up since FY 2000. It was also roughtly same amount of money the federal government spent on construction of structures and facilities in FY 2003, which it spread across 5,224 different contractors that year.

We suspect the error was discovered and corrected at a later date, after FY 2008 had ended, because Emerson is listed as having an almost equally large deallocation in FY 2009 on January 7, 2009. Our experience has shown it is typical when correcting errors in FPDS to simply add another transaction that reconciles the total amount given to a contractor rather than editing the actual transaction that contained the error. Unforunately, the end result for (and for that matter) is that the totals for this product and service code in both FY 2008 and FY 2009 are incorrect, as are totals for other views on that included those two transactions to Emerson Construction Company.

Data Modifications

In some cases, presents or processes data in a different way than it is shown in the original government databases. This is generally done for the convenience of users so data is more understandable and accessible. The original data fields and information from the government are also available unmodified in and may be seen if the user chooses the "Complete (all information)" level of detail option available on all data searches (For more information on the complete levels of detail fields in, see the Contracts Data Dictionary and the Federal Assistance Data Dictionary.

The cases where has modified data from the Federal Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS) and the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) are outlined below in three sections:
Changes to Assistance and Contracts Data
Changes to Assistance Data
Changes to Contracts Data

Contracts and Assistance Dollar Quantities

Fedspending presents dollar amounts of contracts and assistance as totals of obligated amounts (for contracts) and Federal assistance amounts (for assistance), except in one case -- for assistance amounts for loans, the Original Loan Subsidy Cost is used instead of the Federal Assistance Amount. This is done to match and follow OMB guidance.

In data releases before this latest one, Fedspending presented Award records but not IDV (Indefinite Delivery Vehicle) records, records which can allocate money to be spend in one or many later awards. Fedspending now includes IDV records. These are added into totals via their obligated amounts, just like awards are. There are additional data fields for IDV records which give the total amount that may be spent over the life of the vehicle; these have not been totalled since this money may not actually be spent.

Changes to Both Assistance and Contracts Data

Congressional District
We have regularized Congressional Districts to some extent by treating all incorrect codes/districts within a state as being district "90" (unknown), "98" (nonvoting), or "00" (statewide), depending on the state. Records with invalid state codes are listed as district "ZZ".

Major agencies has modified FAADS, FPDS, and Recovery data to streamline the display of federal government agencies. Rather than produce tables that include each sub-agency within the data, it is advantageous to be able to produce tables and output by "major" agency. These generally correspond to departments of the federal government, but some were also chosen because they have a large number of awards. The "major" agencies are shown below:


Dept. of Agriculture

Dept. of Commerce

Dept. of Defense*

Dept. of Education

Dept. of Energy

Dept. of Health and Human Services

Dept. of Homeland Security

Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

Dept. of the Interior

Dept. of Justice

Dept. of Labor

Dept. of State

Dept. of Transportation

Dept. of the Treasury

Dept. of Veterans Affairs

Environmental Protection Agency

General Services Administration**


National Science Foundation**

Nuclear Regulatory Commission**

Office of Personnel Management**

Small Business Administration

Social Security Administration

U.S. Agency for International Development**

All other agencies***

Recovery data adds the Legislative Branch, the Judical Branch, and the Executive Office of the President as "major agencies".

*The Dept. of Defense, as listed here, includes the Dept. of the Army, Dept. of the Air Force, Dept. of the Navy, the civil Corps of Engineers, and the United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, even though these have different initial two-digit agency codes in the federal agency coding scheme.

**GSA is listed as a major agency for contracts, but not for assistance. NSF, NRC, U.S. AID, and the Office of Personnel Management are listed as major agencies for assistance, but not for contracts. Otherwise the FAADS and FPDS major agency lists are the same.

***The agencies combined into "All other agencies" above are different between FAADS, FPDS, and Recovery data. Below are details for the "All other agencies" category for each database:

FAADS "All other agencies"::


Number of transactions

Railroad Retirement Board229,853
Corporation for National and Community Service44,981
National Endowment for the Arts25,560
Export-Import Bank of the U.S.18,233
National Endowment for the Humanities13,863
Institute of Museum Services11,421
Appalachian Regional Commission5,208
National Historical Publications and Records Commission1,264
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission1,090
Smithsonian Institution, except units under separate Board of Trustees999
United States Institute of Peace339
Election Assistance Commission337
Denali Commission149
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission147
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service103
National Credit Union Administration85
Selective Service System1
National Labor Relations Board1

FPDS "All Other Contracting Agencies":


Number of transactions

Broadcasting Board of Governors34,932
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission25,919
Smithsonian Institution, except units under separate Board of Trustees23,665
Securities and Exchange Commission10,622
Consumer Product Safety Commission8,597
Federal Communications Commission7,831
Peace Corps7,794
Federal Trade Commission6,963
Corporation for National and Community Service6,548
Federal Election Commission5,399
Millennium Challenge Corporation4,830
Tennessee Valley Authority4,816
National Labor Relations Board3,794
Railroad Retirement Board3,470
Commodity Futures Trading Commission3,233
National Transportation Safety Board2,526
Court Serv. and Offender Supervision Agency for District of Columbia2,267
National Gallery of Art2,156
International Boundary and Water Commission: U.S.-Mexico2,048
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts1,944
Merit Systems Protection Board1,708
Pretrial Services Agency - CSOSA1,525
National Mediation Board1,352
U.S. International Trade Commission1,337
Trade and Development Agency1,170
National Endowment for the Humanities1,141
Selective Service System1,105
Federal Maritime Commission782
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board741
National Endowment for the Arts478
Commission on Civil Rights411
Overseas Private Investment Corporation337
Institute of Museum Services297
National Capital Planning Commission289
Library of Congress285
GAO, except Comptroller General249
Unknown agency; coded as 9542 but possibly invalid241
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service161
Unknown agency; coded as 955F but possibly invalid126
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science110
Office of Special Counsel109
Election Assistance Commission101
Federal Labor Relations Authority93
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission83
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum57
Federal Housing Finance Board51
Committee for Purchase from People who are Blind or Severely Disabled31
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars30
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board28
African Development Foundation24
American Battle Monuments Commission24
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board7

FPDS "All Other Funding Agencies":


Number of transactions

Broadcasting Board of Governors35,091
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission26,116
Smithsonian Institution, except units under separate Board of Trustees23,733
Securities and Exchange Commission11,864
Consumer Product Safety Commission8,657
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts7,956
Federal Communications Commission7,935
Peace Corps7,855
Federal Trade Commission7,015
Corporation for National and Community Service6,582
Federal Election Commission5,400
Tennessee Valley Authority4,948
Millennium Challenge Corporation4,866
National Labor Relations Board4,312
Railroad Retirement Board3,746
Armed Forces Retirement Home3,333
Commodity Futures Trading Commission3,284
National Transportation Safety Board2,528
Court Serv. and Offender Supervision Agency for District of Columbia2,291
National Gallery of Art2,156
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation2,143
International Boundary and Water Commission: U.S.-Mexico2,048
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts1,945
Inter-American Foundation1,930
Merit Systems Protection Board1,756
Pretrial Services Agency - CSOSA1,533
National Mediation Board1,374
U.S. International Trade Commission1,360
Trade and Development Agency1,268
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board1,245
National Endowment for the Humanities1,142
Selective Service System1,118
Federal Maritime Commission1,103
Office of Administration1,043
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board803
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board742
Bankruptcy Courts672
Unknown agency; coded as 955F but possibly invalid662
Office of Special Counsel504
National Endowment for the Arts491
Library of Congress472
Office of the National Drug Control Policy438
Commission on Civil Rights414
Office of Management and Budget413
Overseas Private Investment Corporation382
U. S. Postal Service367
District of Columbia366
Denali Commission313
Institute of Museum Services300
National Capital Planning Commission297
Army Corps Of Engineers Civil Works279
White House Office277
GAO, except Comptroller General254
Unknown agency; coded as 9542 but possibly invalid244
U.S. District and Territorial Courts243
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science239
Office of the United States Trade Representative223
Election Assistance Commission219
Federal Labor Relations Authority206
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service177
Farm Credit Administration177
Office of Government Ethics169
African Development Foundation166
Government Printing Office164
Office of Homeland Security145
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission142
U.S. Court of Federal Claims131
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations128
Central Intelligence Agency128
Federal Housing Finance Board115
National Credit Union Administration105
Committee for Purchase from People who are Blind or Severely Disabled58
Office of Science and Technology Policy58
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum58
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit57
Advisory Council On Historic Preservation57
Office of the Vice President of the United States57
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board52
Council of Economic Advisors48
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council40
Export-Import Bank of the U.S.36
National Security Council32
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars30
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission29
American Battle Monuments Commission29
Council on Environmental Quality/Office of Environmental Quality26
Office of Policy Development26
Federal Public Defenders23
U.S. Courts of Appeals-Judicial Circuits (except Federal Circuit)22
United States Information Agency22
Dfas Indianapolis Center20
Congressional Budget Office19
U. S. Postal Inspection Service18
Clerk Temporary Emergency18
Congress, generally, no additional specification available15
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims15
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission15
General Accounting Office14
U.S. Tax Court12
Interagency Council On The Homeless12
Court Security9
International Development Association8
Morris K. Udall Scholarship National Environmental Policy Foundation8
U.S. Court of International Trade7
Federal Judicial Center6
Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors5
Acctg Disb Sta Nr 6607003
Associate Justices of the Supreme Court3
American Institute in Taiwan3
Off Of The Fed Inspector For The Ak Natural Gas Transport3
Indian Law And Order Commission3
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board2
Architect of the Capitol2
Board For International Broadcasting2
Inst. of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Devel.2
Commission on Executive, Legislative and Judicial Salaries2
The Council Of The Inspectors General On Integrity And Efficiency 2
State Justice Institute2
OMB, except Director2
Convntn On Internatl Trd In Endangered Species Of Wild Faun1
Temporary Emergency Court Of Appeals1
Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission1
Commission On Agricultural Workers1
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority1
House of Representatives, The1
Mississippi River Commission1
Comm. on the Intel. Capabilities of U.S. Regarding Weapons Mass Destruct.1
Comptroller General of the United States1
National Communications System1
Special Rail Reorganization Court1
Dfas Columbus Center1
Acctg Disb Sta Nr 5257001
Center For Cultural And Tech Interchange Between East And West1

Recovery "All Other Awarding Agencies":


Number of transactions

Unknown agency1,708
National Endowment for the Arts1,114
Corporation for National and Community Service630
Federal Communications Commission217
Smithsonian Institution, except units under separate Board of Trustees68
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board24
General Accounting Office20
Other Small Agencies5
GAO, except Comptroller General2
U.S. Tax Court2
White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance1
Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission1
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service1
Overseas Private Investment Corporation1
State Justice Institute1
Railroad Retirement Board1
U.S. Postal Inspection Service1
Export-Import Bank of the U.S.1

Recovery "All Other Funding Agencies":


Number of transactions

Unknown agency1,708
National Endowment for the Arts1,114
Corporation for National and Community Service630
Federal Communications Commission176
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board84
Smithsonian Institution, except units under separate Board of Trustees68
General Accounting Office21
National Endowment for the Humanities4
Federal Maritime Commission3
U.S. Tax Court2
Farm Credit Administration2
Federal Housing Finance Board2
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service1
Overseas Private Investment Corporation1
Export-Import Bank of the U.S.1
Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission1

Changes to Only Grants Data (FAADS)

Recipient Definition and "Best Recipient Name"
FAADS now includes a recipient Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) number that can be used to define a single recipient of assistance across multiple records (i.e., one entry that would list multiple awards for the same recipient). It is convenient to group records together in this way, since it is useful to look up a single recipient and find its total assistance. However, not all recipient records have D&B numbers.

Therefore, has created its own recipient ID based on the following steps: first, records with the same D&B number are grouped together. Then, those without a D&B number have the name of the recipient in each record regularized by discarding some punctuation, removing words like "Co." or "Inc.", and standardizing certain abbreviations. Then, all records with no D&B number and with the same regularized recipient name and recipient state are assumed to belong to the same recipient. Recipient groupings are made in this manner across multiple years.

This method of grouping records with no D&B number by recipient name and state has some disadvantages. It may, for instance, treat a multi-state recipient as being more than one entity, thereby listing the same group twice in different states, or it may group unrelated entities together that happen to have the same name within the same state. But the advantages of a common recipient name to enable aggregate totals across records outweigh the problems.

Grouping records together by D&B Number means that a single recipient may now exist (via scattered facilities or offices, presumably) in more than one state. Therefore, when recipients are listed, the recipients that are defined by D&B number have their D&B number listed, while the ones whose records had a blank D&B number have their state listed.

After records are grouped together by recipient, a single overall recipient name is chosen for each group of records, based on the most commonly occurring name within the un-standardized recipient names for the group. In other words, if a group of three records in the same year all had the same D&B number, but two records had the recipient name Alpha Corp while the third record had the recipient name XYZ Corp, Alpha Corp would be used as the overall recipient name for this recipient. refers to this as the "Best Recipient Name", and the original recipient name provided as part of each record as the "Recipient Name". Most name searches on the site use the Best Recipient Name, because this guarantees that you'll retrieve all of the records for a recipient when you search by name. However, you can search on the original Recipient Name if you prefer by using the Advanced Search.

Fiscal Year
Sometimes FAADS marks information as being either corrections to data for a previous fiscal year or as late filings for a previous fiscal year. To give the proper scope of federal spending in any given fiscal year, we have displayed these data as being part of the fiscal year that they modify, not as part of the fiscal year in which they were reported.

Recipient Type
FAADS' categorization of what type of entity receives assistance (e.g., individual, state government, private higher education) and how the assistance is delivered (e.g., direct payment, loan, block grant) includes too many values to be conveniently displayed on Therefore, we have grouped the original recipient types and assistance type into streamlined summary categories. Users can access the detailed categories FAADS uses by selecting the "Complete (all information)" level of detail option available for all data output. The groupings for recipient type and assistance type are detailed in the two charts below:

Recipient Type Translations recipient category

FAADS recipient type


state government


county government


city or township government


special district government


independent school district

higher ed

State controlled institution of higher education


Indian tribe


other nonprofit

higher ed

private higher education



for profit

profit organization

for profit

small business


all other

Assistance Type Translations assistance category

FAADS assistance type

grants and co-op. agreements

block grant

grants and co-op. agreements

formula grant

grants and co-op. agreements

project grant

grants and co-op. agreements

cooperative agreement

direct payments (both specified and unspecified)

direct payment for specified use, as a subsidy or other non-reimbursable direct financial aid

loans (both direct and guaranteed)

direct loan

loans (both direct and guaranteed)

guaranteed/insured loan



direct payments (both specified and unspecified)

direct payment with unrestricted use (retirement, pension, veterans benefits, etc.)


other reimbursable, contingent, intangible, or indirect financial assistance

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Program Titles
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Program is a database that classifies all federal programs that provide funding to local government agencies, private institutions, and individuals. Each program is assigned a number and name. Most of the time, CFDA program numbers match up with associated program titles easily. However, there are instances of CFDA program numbers appearing in FAADS that are not listed in the current CFDA program title list. When this happens, chooses a single best program title for each non-associated number. In some cases this suppresses variations in program titles for a single CFDA program number.


Changes to Only Contracts Data (FPDS)

Parent Company Definition and Names
The most basic task that many users want to accomplish is to look up a particular contractor and find out which contracts they have received. This makes the most sense if done by parent company -- the entity that owns multiple divisions, "doing business as" names, or subsidiaries that may show up as individual contractor names.

FPDS now includes a parent company name and D&B (Dun and Bradstreet) number. It also includes a set of vendor names (ordinary name, alternate name, doing-business-as name, legal name), and a vendor D&B number. Unfortunately, some of the parent company D&B numbers are not filled in, and some of the parent company information varies within D&B number -- for instance, a group of records may have the same parent D&B number but different parent company names.

It is clearly adventageous for users if records that are owned by the same business entity can be grouped together under a single name. Therefore, Fedspending created additional name fields as follows: first, a "best vendor name" was created for each record with the vendor name, alternate name, legal name, doing business name, or parent name in it -- whichever was first filled in. In other words, if all of the vendor name fields for the record were blank, the parent name would be used as the best vendor name.

Then records were grouped together by parent. This was done by 9-digit parent D&B number, if it existed, by vendor D&B number if parent D&B was blank, and by regularized parent name if both D&B numbers were blank. In addition, records with blank parent D&B numbers were assigned the parent D&B number of other records that had one if those other records had the same vendor D&B number, and at least half of the records in the database with that vendor D&B number had that parent D&B number. Parent assignments made in this way were themselves modified by hand for some large companies to assign vendors that were in the same parent company together.

Each grouping of records made in this way was assigned a parent ID, and then a single parent name for the group was created by having a computer program select the most common parent name within records in the group. Fedspending calls this most common name the "best parent name" and displays it in most places where a company name is displayed. Groupings were made in this way across multiple years.

Competition Category
There are five data fields in FPDS that are useful for assessing the level of competition of a contract: the Extent Competed, Reason Not Competed, Number of Offers Received, Statutory Exception to Fair Opportunity, and Type of Set Aside. has combined information from all five of these fields into one overall summation of the amount of competition for each transaction, called the competition category. More specific "transactions" are summed by these new competition categories in various tables.

Transactions were classified as follows. "Full and open" competition means that all responsible sources (or potential contractors) are permitted to compete. Those with Extent Competed indicating full and open competition or competitive delivery order were provisionally put in the full and open competition category. "Full and open with at least one exclusion" includes competitions in which a certain sources are not permitted to compete. "Exclusive competitions" can happen only if certain conditions are met. Transactions were removed from this category that had a reason for non-competition, a statutory exception to fair opportunity, or a set-aside and added to the "competition after exclusion of sources" category. Those remaining in the full and open competition category that had zero or one offers were moved to a category of full and open competition with only one bid. The other noncompetition categories are modeled from FPDS Extent Competed values. "Follow-on contract" is a contract that continues the funding stream and obligations of a contract that has already been issued.

The table below shows how streamlines FPDS competition categories:

FPDS 'Extent Competed' Description Competition Category


Full and Open Competition

Full and open competition

except for records moved to categories below

Competitive Delivery Order

Full and open competition

except for records moved to categories below

Full and Open Competition

Competed after exclusion of sources

Records with a reason for noncompetition, statutory exception to fair opportunity, or set-aside

Competitive Delivery Order

Competed after exclusion of sources

Records with a reason for noncompetition, statutory exception to fair opportunity, or set-aside

Full and Open Competition

Full and open competition, but only one bid

Records still in "full and open competition category", but with zero or one offers

Competitive Delivery Order

Full and open competition, but only one bid

Records still in "full and open competition category", but with zero or one offers

Full and Open Competition after exclusion of sources

Competed after exclusion of sources


Competed under SAT (Simplified Acquisition Threshold)

Competed after exclusion of sources


Not Available for Competition

Not available for competition


Follow On to Competed Action

Follow-on to previous contract


Not Competed

Not competed


Not Competed, under SAT (Simplified Acquisition Threshold)

Not competed


Non-Competitive Delivery Order

Not competed


Competition Graphs
Contractor profiles and summary level search results receive pie charts which graphs four categories for levels of competition. The graph uses Full and Open Competition, and Full and Open Competition But Only One Bid unaltered from the rest of the site. However, most of the remaining categories (Competition after Exclusion of Sources, Follow-on Contract, Not Available for Competition, and Not Competed) are compressed into one group on the graph (although the accompanying table still lists the specific amounts for the individual categories) which represents less than full competition. The final category used for the graph is unknown. It should also be noted that for graphing purposes, negative numbers, which represent deobligated funds, are treated as zero in the graph (although they are listed in the accompanying table).

Contracts Data Dictionary

This is a list of all of the data fields in's copy of the FPDS (federal contracts) database. It can be used to see what kind of data each field displayed in the extensive or complete levels of detail contains. The "Field Type" column provides the type and size of the field, in case you wish to load data into your own database. The "% blank" column shows what percentage of the data records have the data field blank -- this can be useful when you want to estimate whether a particular data element is well maintained or not.

Section: Amounts

This section shows dollar amounts of awards and IDVs.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Dollars ObligatedThe net dollar amount that is obligated or de-obligated by this transaction. If the net is a de-obligation, the amount will be negative.double(18,2)10.83All
Current Contract ValueThe contract value in dollars for the base contract and any options that have been exercised. For a new award, this is a total; for a modification, it is a change in value (positive or negative).double(18,2)31.66All
Ultimate Contract ValueThe total contract or order value in dollars including all options (if any). For IDVs, the estimated value for all orders expected to be placed against the vehicle. For modifications, the change (positive or negative) in the total contract value.double(18,2)36.31All

Section: Purchaser Information

This section shows information about the purchaser for the award or IDV, i.e. the governmental agency or agencies that made the purchase, and what programs it was purchased under.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Original Major AgencyThe original FPDS major contracting agency code, not regularized by only
Major AgencyThe original FPDS contracting agency code, modified by to show the major agency giving out the contract. Major agencies are usually departments of the government. All minor agencies are listed within a general category.char(2)0.00All
Original Contracting AgencyThe original contracting agency code, not regularized by only
Modified Contracting AgencyThe contracting agency code, as modified by to replace disused agency codes with current ones.varchar(4)0.00All
Contracting AgencyA code for the governmental agency or bureau that executed or is otherwise responsible for the transaction.varchar(4)0.00All
Contracting OfficeThe agency supplied code for the contracting office that executes the transaction.varchar(6)0.02All
Original Major Funding AgencyThe original FPDS major funding agency code, not regularized by only
Major Funding AgencyThe original FPDS funding agency code, modified by to show the major agency funding the contract. Major agencies are usually departments of the government. All minor agencies are listed within a general category.char(2)0.00All
Modified Funding AgencyThe funding agency code, as modified by to replace disused agency codes with current ones.varchar(4)0.00All
Program / Funding AgencyA code for the agency that provided the preponderance of the funds obligated by this transaction. If left blank, defaults to Contracting Agency.varchar(4)30.33All
Program / Funding OfficeThe agency provided code that identifies the office that provided the preponderance of funds. If the Funding Agency is a DoD agency, the code is the DoD Activity Address Code (DODAAC).varchar(6)41.85All
Funded by Foreign Government or International Org.Indicates that a foreign government, international organization, or foreign military organization bears some of the cost of the acquisition.varchar(100)0.10All
Agency Within TASThe agency code part (first two characters) of the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) code for the category of funding.char(2)81.95All
Account Within TASThe account code part (third to sixth characters) of the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) code for the category of funding.char(4)81.95All
Sub-Account Within TASThe sub-account code part (seventh to ninth characters) of the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) code for the category of funding.char(3)97.56All
Account TitleThe description of the program source.varchar(100)100.00All
Recovery FlagIndicates whether the Treasury Account Symbol is for Recovery (i.e. if the funding is associated with the Recovery Act).char(1)99.76All

Section: Contract Information

This section shows basic contract information for an award or IDV.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Signed Date (Character)The signed date in character rather than date format. Includes invalid dates.varchar(10)0.00Complete only
Date SignedThe date that a mutually binding agreement was reached. The date signed by the Contracting Officer or the Contractor, whichever is later.date100.00All
Effective Date (Character)The effective date in character rather than date format. Includes invalid dates.varchar(10)0.00Complete only
Effective DateThe date that the parties agree will be the starting date for the contract's requirements. Usually, this is the same as the date signed, but may be different.date100.00All
Current Completion Date (Character)The current completion date in character rather than date format. Includes invalid dates.varchar(10)3.85Complete only
Current Completion DateThe current expected or scheduled contract completion date, based on the initial schedule, any options exercised at the time of the award, and any modifications made later.date100.00All
Ultimate Completion Date (Character)The ultimate completion date in character rather than date format. Includes invalid dates.varchar(10)24.70Complete only
Ultimate Completion DateThe estimated or scheduled completion date including the base contract or order and all options (if any) whether the options have been exercised or not. Defaults to be the same as the Current Completion Date.date100.00All
IDV TypeThe type of IDV. Types include Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), Multi-Agency Contract, Other Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC), Federal Supply Schedule (FSS), Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA), and Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA).varchar(50)0.00All
Reason For ModificationCode for the type of modification to an award or IDV performed by this transaction.char(1)74.18All
Type of Contract PricingThe type of contract as defined in FAR Part 16 that applies to this procurement. Can be fixed price, cost plus, labor hours, etc.char(1)0.00All
Letter ContractIndicates whether the award is a Letter Contract.char(1)0.12All
Multi-Year ContractIndicates whether this is a multi-year contract, a contract for the purchase of supplies or services for more than 1, but not more than 5, program years. Such contracts are issued under specific congressional authority for specific programs.char(1)9.75All
Performance-Based Service ContractIndicates whether the contract is a Performace-Based Service Acquisition (PBSA) as defined by FAR 37.601. A PBSA describes the requirements in terms of results rather than the methods of performance of the work and has other detailed requirements.char(1)0.01All
Major ProgramThe agency determined code for a major program within the agency. For an Indefinite Delivery Vehicle, this may be the name of a GWAC (e.g., ITOPS or COMMITS).varchar(250)98.26All
Contingency, Humanitarian, or Peacekeeping OperationIndicates contract actions that exceed $200,000 and support a contingency operation, a humanitarian operation, or a peacekeeping operation.char(1)83.29All
Cost or Pricing Data DoDIndicates whether cost or pricing data was obtained, not obtained, or waived for DoD assigned contracts.char(1)74.08All
Contract FinancingType of financing used to effect payment (progress payments, advance payments, etc.).char(1)65.24All
Cost Accounting Standards ClauseIndicates whether the contract includes a Cost Accounting Standards clause.char(1)15.29All
Contract DescriptionA brief description of the goods or services bought (for an award) or that are available (for an IDV).text89.53All
Purchase Card As Payment MethodIndicates whether the method of payment under an award is the Purchase Card. Agencies may issue formal contract documents and make payment using the Purchase Card. It is also permitted that agencies may report Purchase Card purchases.char(1)3.80All
Number of ActionsThe number of actions that involved contract modifications for additional supplies or services. Can be reported for new contracts or contract modification
National Interest ActionContracts created in response to "national interests" (e.g. Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita).varchar(100)0.05All
IDV Last Date To Order (Character)The IDV last date to order, in character rather than date format. Includes invalid dates.varchar(10)96.26Complete only
IDV Last Date To OrderLast date on which an order may be placed against this indefinite delivery vehicle. For IDV records only.date100.00All
Type of IDCIdentifies whether the Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) or Multi-Agency Contract is Indefinite Delivery/Requirements, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity, or Indefinite Delivery/Definite Quantity. For IDV records only.varchar(100)98.27All
Multiple or Single Award IDCEquals M if the contract is one of several awarded under a single solicitation when contracting officers are required to compare or compete their requirements among several vendors, otherwise S. For IDV records only.char(1)96.79All
Program AcronymThe short name or title used for a GWAC or other contracting program. Examples include COMMITS, ITOPS, SEWP. For IDV records only.varchar(25)98.43All

Section: Vendor Information

This section shows basic information about the contractor/vendor for an award or IDV, such as its name, address, parent, and contact information.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Best Vendor NameThe best vendor name chosen from six possible name fields by a program run by (this eliminates some blank names).varchar(250)0.00All
Vendor NameThe name of the vendor supplying the product or service as it appears in CCR or as entered by the user if CCR exception is selected.varchar(250)0.04All
Vendor Alternate NameAn alternate name for the vendor.varchar(255)76.51All
Vendor Legal Organization NameThe legal organizational name of the vendor.varchar(120)67.43All
Vendor Doing Business As NameThe doing as business name of the contractor address.varchar(100)90.84All
Best Vendor Name TypeA code showing which of the six name fields provided the best vendor name for this record.char(1)98.27Complete only
Division NameThe division name for the division of the vendor contracted. Usually taken from the CCR (Central Contractor Registry).varchar(60)100.00All
Division Number or Office CodeUnknown meaning.varchar(60)100.00All
Vendor EnabledNot known.char(1)100.00Complete only
Vendor Location Disable FlagUnknown meaning.char(1)100.00Complete only
CCR ExceptionIndicates and gives the reason why a vendor/contractor not registered in the mandated Central Contractor Registry (CCR) system may be used in a purchase. Data field only exists in XML schema version 1.1 and later.varchar(80)99.51All
Vendor Address Line 1The first line of the street address for the contractor.varchar(100)0.24All
Vendor Address Line 2The second line of the street address for the contractor.varchar(55)98.02All
Vendor Address Line 3The third line of the street address for the contractor.varchar(55)99.99All
Vendor Address CityThe city of the contractor address.varchar(35)0.16All
Original Vendor Address StateThe original 2-character postal state abbreviation in the contractor address, not regularized by only
Vendor Address StateThe 2-character U.S. postal state abbreviation in the contractor address. Values that are not codes for U.S. states have been replaced with ZZ by
Vendor Address State (Long)A long version of the state in the contractor address. May contain some bad data.varchar(50)2.10Complete only
Vendor Zip CodeThe zip code in the contractor address.varchar(50)1.24All
Vendor CountryThe country code in the contractor address -- a three-letter abbreviation rather than the FIPS country code.varchar(100)1.29All
Original Vendor Congressional DistrictThe congressional district that the vendor's address falls within, not regularized by only
Vendor Congressional District (Modified)The Congressional District that the vendor's address falls within, in the form of a two-letter state abbreviation plus a two-digit number, as modified by
Vendor Congressional DistrictThe Congressional district of the contractor, as derived from the Zip+4 in the contractor address.varchar(250)0.00Complete only
Vendor Site CodeUnknown meaning. Apparently not FIPS codes.varchar(15)35.61All
Vendor Alternate Site CodeUnknown meaning. Apparently not FIPS codes.varchar(20)38.08All
Vendor DUNS NumberThe Dun & Bradstreet number of the vendor. This is used to link records to the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) and only exists for vendors in the CCR.varchar(13)0.01All
Vendor DunsThe 9-digit Dun and Bradstreet identifying number for the vendor.varchar(9)0.01Complete only
Vendor Phone NumberThe phone number of the contractor.varchar(100)77.50All
Vendor Fax NumberThe fax number of the contractor.varchar(50)77.35All
CCR Registration Date (Character)The registration date in character rather than date format. Includes invalid dates.varchar(10)47.85Complete only
CCR Registration DateDate the initial registration for the contractor was submitted to the CCR (Central Contractor Registry).date100.00All
CCR Renewal Date (Character)The CCR renewal date in character rather than date format. Includes invalid dates.varchar(10)35.73Complete only
CCR Renewal DateDate the contractor's registration in the CCR (Central Contractor Registry) will expire.date100.00All
Parent NameThe name of the parent company of the vendor, as reported in this transaction record.varchar(250)0.04All
Changed Parent NameThe parent name of the vendor, change by to regularize cases in which the record had a generic name or duns.varchar(250)0.00Complete only
Best Parent NameThe most commonly used parent name among all of the records with the same parent Dun and Bradstreet number and fiscal year as this one. Vendor duns was used if parent duns didn't exist.varchar(250)0.00All
Parent Duns (13 digit)The 13-digit parent Dun and Bradstreet identifying number for the parent company of the vendor.varchar(9)0.01All
Parent DunsThe 9-digit parent Dun and Bradstreet identifying number for the parent company of the vendor.varchar(9)0.01Complete only
Combined DunsThe 9-digit Dun and Bradstreet identifying number for the parent of the vendor, if that number is in the database, or the vendor duns number otherwise.varchar(9)0.00All

Section: Principal Place of Performance

This section shows the principal place of performance of the award or IDV -- the place where most of the work was done.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Place of Performance CodeThe code from the combined FIPS Pub. 10 and FIPS Pub. 55 that identifies the place where the work is being performed.varchar(5)41.09All
Original Place of Performance StateThe postal abbreviation for the state that is the principal place where the work is performed, not regularized by only
Place of Performance StateThe postal abbreviation for the U.S. state that is the principal place where the work was / is performed. Values that are not U.S. states have been replaced with ZZ by
Place of Performance State (Original)A version of the place of performance state that seems to not have been quality controlled, and may have some bad data.varchar(250)0.00Complete only
Place of Performance CountryThe country that is the principal place where the work was / is performed.char(2)0.00All
Place of Performance Zip CodeThe Zip code of the principal place where the work was / is performed. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later.varchar(10)33.20All
Original Place Congressional DistrictThe congressional district which was the primary place of performance for the contract, not regularized by only
Place Congressional District (Modified)The Congressional District which was the primary place of performance for the contract (i.e. where the work took place) expressed as a two-letter state abbreviation plus a two-digit number, as modified by
Place of Performance Cong. DistrictThe Congressional district that is the principal place in which the work was / is performed.varchar(4)0.00Complete only

Section: Product or Service Information

This section shows information about the product or service purchased.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Major Product or Service CodeThe major category that the FPDS Product or Service Code for the record falls within. Data field created by
Product or Service CodeThe code that best identifies the product or service procured. If more than one code applies, then the code that represents most of the ultimate contract value is reported.varchar(4)0.79All
DoD Program, System, or Equipment CodeTwo codes that identify the program and weapons system or equipment purchased by a DoD agency. The first character is a number 1-4 that identifies the DoD component. The last 3 characters identify that component's program, system, or equipment.varchar(4)59.69All
DoD Claimant Program CodeA claimant program number designates a grouping of supplies, construction, or other services. This data field may have a code from the DoD Procurement Coding Manual Section III, DoD Claimant Program Number.varchar(3)58.32All
Principal NAICS CodeThe principal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code (used to designate major sectors of the economies of Mexico, Canada, and the United States) that indicates the industry in which the contractor does business.varchar(6)10.27All
Information Technology Commercial Item CategoryA code that designates the commercial availability of an information technology product or service.varchar(100)0.00All
Govt. Furnished Equipment or PropertyIndicates whether Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) or Government Furnished Property (GFP) used for the contract, pursuant to FAR 45.char(1)0.00All
Use of EPA Designated ProductsIndicates whether EPA approved products with a minimum recovered material content were used, or whether an exception was made.char(1)20.28All
Recovered Material ClausesIndicates whether Recovered Material Certification and/or Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA-Designated Products clauses were included in the contract.char(1)52.80All
Sea TransportationIndicates whether the contractor anticipates that some of the supplies may be transported by sea.char(1)60.24All
Contract Bundling ReasonIndicates that the value of the contract, including all options, is expected to exceed $5M as a result of consolidating separate small contracts into a single contract likely to be unsuitable for a small business concern, and the reason for bundling.char(1)26.66All
Consolidated ContractIndicates whether the contract is a consolidated contract. This is only required if the Funding Agency or the contracting agency is a DoD Agency. Data field exists in XML schema version 1.2 and later only.char(1)0.21All
Product Country of OriginIdentifies the country of origin of the product.char(3)81.18All
U.S. ContractWhen product has substantial foreign components or services are performed by foreign entities, this field indicates whether the contract is still technically a U.S. contract.char(1)61.35All

Section: Record Information

This section shows information about a FPDS record, such as its identifying IDs, its fiscal year, its version, etc.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Identifying Agency IDThis is a code for a governmental agency, but it does not necessarily represent the agency that issued the contract. Instead, it serves only as part of the unique identification for FPDS awards records.varchar(4)0.00All
Procurement Instrument IDA unique ID for each contract, agreement, or order. It is not a unique ID for FPDS records, since there can be more than one record for each contract, agreement, or order.varchar(50)0.00All
Modification NumberAn identifier that uniquely identifies a modification for a contract, agreement, or order.varchar(25)0.00All
Transaction NumberUnique identifier for each transaction for a contracting action or modification. There can be more than one in situations such as when an action includes more than one contract type.smallint(6)98.43All
Fiscal YearThe Federal government fiscal year (starting September 1) in which the award or IDV record was reported.char(4)0.00All
IDV Identifying Agency IDThis is a code for a governmental agency, but it does not necessarily represent the agency that issued the contract. Instead, it serves only as part of the unique identification for FPDS IDV records.char(4)38.01All
IDV Procurement Instrument IDA unique ID for each contract, agreement, or order. It is not a unique ID for FPDS IDV records, since there can be more than one record for each contract, agreement, or order.varchar(50)38.01All
IDV Modification NumberAn identifier that uniquely identifies a modification for a contract, agreement, or order for IDV records.varchar(25)25.95All
Solicitation IDIdentifier used to link transactions to solicitation information.varchar(25)90.85All
Unique Transaction IDA unique ID for each transaction record.varchar(33)0.00All
Transaction StatusThe status of the record, either active or inactive.varchar(10)0.00Complete only

Section: Competition Information

This section shows information on how an award or IDV was competed.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Competition CategoryThe Extent Competed field, with code values regrouped into broader categories by Indicates whether the contract was competed or not.char(1)0.00All
Extent CompetedA code that represents how the contract was competed.varchar(3)9.81All
Reason Not CompetedA code for the reason the contract was not competed -- i.e., solicitation procedures other than full and open competition pursuant to FAR 6.3.varchar(3)81.38All
Number of Offers ReceivedThe number of actual offers/bids received in response to the
Commercial Item Acquisition ProceduresIndicates whether the solicitation used the special requirements for the acquisition of commercial items intended to more closely resemble those customarily used in the commercial marketplace as defined by FAR Part 12.char(1)0.09All
Commercial Item Test ProgramIndicates whether the solicitation used Commercial Item Acquisition Procedures (FAR Part 12) and Simplified Acquisition Procedures (FAR Part 13.5) for acquisitions above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold and below $5,000,000.char(1)1.56All
Small Business Compet. Demonstration ProgramIndicates whether the contract was awarded to a U.S. business concern as a result of a solicitation issued on or after Jan 1, 1989 as part of the Small Business Competitiveness Program (FAR Part 19.10).char(1)0.00All
A-76 (FAIR Act) ActionIndicates whether the contract action resulted from an A-76/Fair Act competitive sourcing process.char(1)0.32All
Competitive ProceduresData fields not extensively used in production and since disused, do not display.varchar(3)100.00Complete only
Solicitation ProceduresA code for the type of solicitation procedures used. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later.varchar(4)15.04All
Type of Set AsideA code for the type of set aside determined for the contract action. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later.varchar(7)13.22All
Evaluated PreferenceThe type of preference determined for the contract action, reported when a contract was made pursuant to the socio economic program price evaluation preferences -- FAR 19.11 and FAR 19.13. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later.varchar(4)21.37All
Type of ResearchA code used when the contract was awarded as part of a Small Business Innovation Research or Small Technology Transfer Research Program. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later.varchar(3)99.64All
Statutory Exception To Fair OpportunityA code indicating a statutory exception to Fair Opportunity, used awarding a non competitive task order or delivery order exceeding $2500.00 against an IDIQ contract. Data field exists only in XML schema version 1.2 and later.varchar(4)90.28All
Business Size DeterminationThe Contracting Officer's determination of whether the contractor meets the small business size standard for award to a small business for the NAICS code that is applicable to the contract.char(1)0.05All
Subcontracting PlanA code for a type of subcontracting plan requirement (FAR Part 19.702).char(1)60.95All
Price Evaluation Percent DifferenceThe percent difference between the award price and the lowest priced offer from a responsive, responsible non-HUBZone or
Fed Biz OppsIndicates whether the agency followed the synopsis requirements for making notices of proposed contract actions in FAR Subpart 5.2.char(1)1.77All
Local Area Set AsideIndicates whether emergency response contracts were awarded with preference to local firms through a local area set aside.varchar(4)66.96All

Section: Vendor Characteristics

This section shows characteristics of the contractor or vendor for an award or IDV, such as its size, its type, and a set of flags showing whether it is in various special categories.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Organizational TypeThe type of organization of the vendor.varchar(100)70.86All
Number of EmployeesThe contractor's business size in terms of number of employees. Usually obtained from the CCR (Central Contractor Registry).varchar(12)0.00All
Annual RevenueThe contractor's annual gross revenue, taken from an average of the last three years. Usually obtained from the CCR (Central Contractor Registry).double(18,2)28.75All
8A FirmIndicates whether the vendor is an 8(a) Program Participant Organization.char(1)0.00All
Hist. Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) FirmIndicates whether the vendor is a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Firm.char(1)0.00All
Small Disadvantaged BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a Small Disadvantaged Business Organization.char(1)0.00All
Sheltered Workshop (JWOD Provider)Indicates whether the vendor is a Sheltered Workshop (JWOD Provider) Organization.char(1)0.00All
Historically Black College or UniversityIndicates whether the vendor is a Historically Black College or University.char(1)0.00All
Educational InstitutionIndicates whether the vendor is an Educational Institution.char(1)0.00All
Woman Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a Woman Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Veteran Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a Veteran Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Service Disabled Veteran Owned FirmIndicates whether the vendor is a Service-Related Disabled Veteran Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Local GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a Local Government Organization.char(1)0.00All
Minority InstitutionIndicates whether the vendor is a Minority Institution.char(1)0.00All
American Indian Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is an American Indian Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
State GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a State Government Organization.char(1)0.00All
Federal GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a Federal Government Organization.char(1)0.00All
Minority Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a Minority Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Asian-Pacific American Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is an Asian-Pacific American Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Tribal GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a Tribal Government Organization.char(1)0.00All
Black American Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a Black American Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Native American Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a Native American Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Subcontinent Asian (Asian-Indian) American Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a Subcontinent Asian (Asian- Indian) American Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Hispanic American Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a Hispanic American Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
HospitalIndicates whether the vendor is a Hospital.char(1)0.00All
For Profit OrganizationIndicates whether the vendor is a For Profit Organization.char(1)0.00All
Nonprofit OrganizationIndicates whether the vendor is a Nonprofit Organization.char(1)0.00All
Other Not For Profit OrganizationIndicates whether the vendor is an Other Not For Profit Organization.char(1)0.00All
FoundationIndicates whether the vendor is a Foundation.char(1)0.00All
Hispanic Servicing InstitutionIndicates whether the vendor is a Hispanic Servicing Institution.char(1)0.00All
1862 Land Grant CollegeIndicates whether the vendor is a 1862 Land Grant College.char(1)0.00All
1890 Land Grant CollegeIndicates whether the vendor is a 1890 Land Grant College.char(1)0.00All
1994 Land Grant CollegeIndicates whether the vendor is a 1994 Land Grant College.char(1)0.00All
Veterinary CollegeIndicates whether the vendor is a Veterinary College.char(1)0.00All
Veterinary HospitalIndicates whether the vendor is a Veterinary Hospital.char(1)0.00All
Private University Or CollegeIndicates whether the vendor is a Private University Or College.char(1)0.00All
School Of ForestryIndicates whether the vendor is a School Of Forestry.char(1)0.00All
State Controlled Institution Higher LearningIndicates whether the vendor is a State Controlled Institution of Higher Learning.char(1)0.00All
Service ProviderIndicates whether the vendor is a Service Provider.char(1)100.00All
Receives ContractsIndicates whether the vendor receives contracts.char(1)0.00All
Receives GrantsIndicates whether the vendor receives grants.char(1)0.00All
Receives Contracts And GrantsIndicates whether the vendor receives contracts and grants.char(1)48.57All
Airport AuthorityIndicates whether the vendor is an Airport Authority.char(1)0.00All
Council Of GovernmentsIndicates whether the vendor is a Council Of Governments.char(1)0.00All
Housing Authority (Public or Tribal)Indicates whether the vendor is a Public or Tribal Housing Authority.char(1)0.00All
Interstate EntityIndicates whether the vendor is a Interstate Entity.char(1)0.00All
Planning CommissionIndicates whether the vendor is a Planning Commission.char(1)0.00All
Port AuthorityIndicates whether the vendor is a Port Authority.char(1)0.00All
Transit AuthorityIndicates whether the vendor is a Transit Authority.char(1)0.00All
Subchapter S CorporationIndicates whether the vendor is a Subchapter S Corporation.char(1)0.00All
Limited Liability CorporationIndicates whether the vendor is a Limited Liability Corporation.char(1)0.00All
Foreign Owned And LocatedIndicates whether the vendor is foreign owned and located.char(1)0.00All
Architecture Or EngineeringIndicates whether the vendor is an Architecture or Engineering Firm.char(1)48.57All
DoT Certified Disadvantaged BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a DoT Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.char(1)100.00All
City Local GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a city government.char(1)0.00All
Community Develop Corp Owned FirmIndicates whether the vendor is a Community Developed Corp Owned Firm.char(1)0.00All
Community Development CorporationIndicates whether the vendor is a Community Development Corporation.char(1)0.00All
Construction FirmIndicates whether the vendor is a construction firm.char(1)48.57All
Manufacturer Of GoodsIndicates whether the vendor is a manufacturer of goods.char(1)0.00All
Corporate Entity Not Tax ExemptIndicates whether the vendor is a Corporate Entity Not Tax Exempt.char(1)0.00All
County Local GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a county government.char(1)0.00All
Domestic ShelterIndicates whether the vendor is a Domestic Shelter.char(1)0.00All
Federal AgencyIndicates whether the vendor is a Federal Agency.char(1)0.00All
Federally Funded Research And Devel CorpIndicates whether the vendor is a federally funded research and developmet corp.char(1)48.57All
Foreign GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a foreign government.char(1)0.00All
Indian Tribe (Federally Recognized)Indicates whether the vendor is a Federally recognized Indian Tribe.char(1)0.00All
Inter Municipal Local GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a inter-municipal local government.char(1)0.00All
International OrganizationIndicates whether the vendor is a international organization.char(1)0.00All
Labor Surplus Area FirmIndicates whether the vendor is a Labor Surplus Area Firm.char(1)0.00All
Local Government OwnedIndicates whether the vendor is local government owned.char(1)0.00All
Municipality Local GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a municipality.char(1)0.00All
Native Hawaiian Owned FirmIndicates whether the vendor is a Native Hawaiian Owned Firm.char(1)0.00All
Other Business Or OrganizationIndicates whether the vendor is an other business or organization (not in the other categories).char(1)48.49All
Other Minority Owned BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is an Other Minority Owned Business.char(1)0.00All
Partnership Or Limited Liability PartnershipIndicates whether the vendor is a partnership or limited liability partnership.char(1)0.00All
School District Local GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a school district.char(1)0.00All
Small Agricultural CooperativeIndicates whether the vendor is a Small Agricultural Cooperative.char(1)0.00All
Sole ProprietorshipIndicates whether the vendor is a Sole Proprietorship.char(1)0.00All
Township Local GovernmentIndicates whether the vendor is a township.char(1)0.00All
Tribally Owned FirmIndicates whether the vendor is a Tribally Owned Firm.char(1)0.00All
Tribal CollegeIndicates whether the vendor is a Tribal College.char(1)0.00All
Alaskan Native Owned FirmIndicates whether the vendor is a Alaskan Native Owned Firm.char(1)0.00All
Corporate Entity Tax ExemptIndicates whether the vendor is a tax exempt corporate entity.char(1)0.00All
Interagency Contracting AuthorityIndicates whether the vendor is an interagency contracting authority.char(1)0.47All
SBA Certified Small Disadvantaged BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is an SBA certified small disadventaged business.char(1)0.00All
Emerging Small BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is an Emerging Small Business.char(1)0.00All
Women Owned Small BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is a women owned small business.char(1)0.00All
Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small BusinessIndicates whether the vendor is an economically disadvantaged women owned small business.char(1)0.00All
Women Owned Small Business Joint VentureIndicates whether the vendor is a women owned small business joint venture.char(1)0.00All
Economically Disadv. Women Owned Small Business Joint VentureIndicates whether the vendor is an economically disadventaged women owned small business joint venture.char(1)0.00All
Manufacturing Organization TypeCode field with unknown meanings about the type of manufacturing organization that the vendor is.char(1)82.76All

Section: Legislative Mandates

This section shows whether various legislative mandates apply to the award or IDV.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Walsh-Healy ActIndicates whether the transaction is subject to the Walsh-Healy Act (designed to prevent "bid brokering").char(1)0.00All
Service Contract ActIndicates whether the transaction is subject to the Service Contract Act (concerning payment of prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits to service employees).char(1)0.00All
Davis-Bacon ActIndicates whether the transaction is subject to the Davis-Bacon Act (concerning the payment of prevailing wages on public works projects).char(1)0.00All
Clinger-Cohen ActIndicates the funding office has certified that the information technology purchase meets the planning requirements in 40 USC 1422 and 1423.char(1)0.00All
Other Statutory AuthorityIndicates whether the transaction is subject to other statutory authority (i.e., legislation other than the Economy Act).text99.38All

Federal Assistance Data Dictionary

This is a list of all of the data fields in's copy of the FAADS (federal assistance) database. It can be used to see what kind of data each field displayed in the extensive or complete levels of detail contains. The "Field Type" column provides the type and size of the field, in case you wish to load data into your own database. The "% blank" column shows what percentage of the data records have the data field blank -- this can be useful when you want to estimate whether a particular data element is well maintained or not.

Section: Recipient Information

This section shows information about the recipient of the award, such as the name, location, and type of the recipient.

This section is displayed in All detail reports.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Best Recipient NameThe most commonly listed name of the recipient within a group of records linked by D&B number (or name and state) within a fiscal year. Field created by
Recipient NameThe name of the recipient of the award.varchar(54)0.00All
Recipient Address 1The first line of the street address of the recipient.varchar(100)44.18All
Recipient Address 2The second line of the street address of the recipient.varchar(100)93.32All
Recipient Address 3The third line of the street address of the recipient.varchar(100)98.21All
Recipient City CodeThe five-digit FIPS city code for the city in the address of the recipient of the award.varchar(5)19.85Complete only
Recipient City NameThe city in which the address of the recipient of the award is located.varchar(21)19.79All
Recipient StateThe 2-letter U.S. state abbreviation for the state in the address of the recipient of the award.char(2)0.03All
Recipient County CodeThe three-digit FIPS county code for the county in which the address for the recipient of the award is located.varchar(4)0.21Complete only
Recipient County NameThe county in which the address for the recipient of the award is located.varchar(21)8.56All
Recipient Zip CodeThe Zip code in the address of the recipient of the award.varchar(9)20.19All
Recipient Cong. District (Original)The Congressional District of the recipient, as originally reported by before having bad codes regularized by only
Recipient Congressional DistrictThe Congressional District of the recipient, modified by to fix some bad data and to use a 2-letter state followed by 2 digit format. 90 means not known, 00 means at large or statewide, 98 means nonvoting, 99 means no representative.varchar(4)0.00All
Recipient Country CodeThe ISO or FIPS code for the country in which the recipient is located.char(3)45.81All
Recipient CategoryThe original FAADS recipient type code, modified by into a set of broader categories (government, individual, nonprofit, for profit, higher ed, other).char(1)0.00All
Recipient Category (Original)The Recipient Category as reported by before a few bad records were corrected by only
Recipient TypeThe type of recipient (i.e., state government, local government, Indian tribe, individual, small business, for-profit, nonprofit, etc.)char(2)0.00All
Dun and Bradstreet NumberThe Dun and Bradstreet ID number listed for the recipient.varchar(9)50.92All
Extended Dun and Bradstreet NumberThe extended (13 digit, rather than 9 digit) Dun and Bradstreet number for the recipient.varchar(13)50.92Complete only
Dun and Bradstreet Confidence CodeA confidence code for the recipient Dun and Bradstreet number.char(2)79.92Complete only

Section: Project and Award Info

This section shows information about which agency granted the award under what governmental program, and provides some ID numbers for the award.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Original Major AgencyThe major agency giving out the reward, as originally reported by, without being further simplified by only
Major AgencyThe original FAADS agency code, modified by to show the major agency giving out the award. Major agencies are generally departments of the government. All minor agencies are listed within a general category.varchar(4)0.00All
Agency CodeA code indicating which governmental agency or bureau provided the award.char(4)0.00All
Agency NameThe name of the governmental agency or bureau that provided the award.varchar(72)0.00All
Federal Award IDAn agency-specific unique ID number for each individual assistance award. There may be more than one action record per assistance award, because of continuations, revisions, funding adjustments, corrections, etc.varchar(16)15.39All
Federal Award ID ModificationA modification number used to indicate action records that modify a previous action record with the same Federal Award ID.varchar(4)41.02All
State Application ID NumberA number assigned by state (as opposed to Federal) review agencies to the award during the grant application process.varchar(30)14.26All
CFDA Program NumberThe numeric code that indicates the program under which this award was funded within the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). Numbers that contain AAA, AAB etc. are pseudo-codes and are not in CFDA.varchar(7)0.01All
CFDA Program TitleThe title of the program under which the award was funded, taken from the Catalog of Federal Domestic ASsistance (CFDA).varchar(250)0.00All
Assistance CategoryThe original FAADS assistance type code, modified by into a set of broader categories (direct grants, loans, insurance, etc.)char(1)0.00All
Assistance TypeThe type of assistance provided by the award: whether it is a grant, cooperative agreement, direct payment, loan, insurance, etc.char(2)0.01All
Project DescriptionA description of the project under which the award is funded.varchar(165)11.95All
Account TitleThe description of the Program Source.varchar(64)42.63All
Recovery FlagIndicates whether this record is for a project associated with the Recovery Act.char(1)0.00All
Program Source Agency CodeThe agency code part (first 2 characters) of the 9-character Treasury Account Symbol.char(2)40.43All
Program Source Account CodeThe account code part (3rd through 6th characters) of the 9-character Treasury Account Symbol.char(4)41.05All
Program Source Subaccount CodeThe sub-account part (7th through 9th characters) of the 9-character Treasury Account Symbol.char(3)97.45All

Section: Action

This section shows a detailed action taken under the award -- an amount of money granted or subtracted, the dates involved, the fiscal year, and the type of action.

This section is displayed in All detail reports.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Fiscal YearThe fiscal year in which the award occured. It may be different from the fiscal year of the award record if the record is a late filing or correction of an amount for a prior fiscal year. Data field added by
FYQ Load FieldA field created by that originally held the fiscal year and quarter, but now holds a marker for which batch of records each record was loaded in.varchar(9)3.19Complete only
Action TypeThe type of action for the record: whether it is a new assistance action, a continuation, a revision, or a funding adjustment.char(1)0.00All
Obligated AmountThe Federal Funding Amount for all records except loans, or the Original Loan Subsidy Amount for loans. Represents the dollars obligated by the government for this assistance. Negative numbers represent a decrease in funding.decimal(14,2)23.63All
Federal Funding AmountAmount of Federal government's obligation or contingent liability, in dollars. A negative number represents a decrease in funding.decimal(13,2)25.41All
Non-Federal Funding AmountAmount of non-Federal funding, in dollars. A negative number represents a decrease in funding.decimal(13,2)94.12All
Total Funding AmountThe total Federal plus non-Federal funding amount in dollars. A negative number represents a decrease in funding.decimal(14,2)46.84All
Loan Face ValueThe face value of the direct loan or loan guarantee.decimal(14,2)86.75All
Original Loan Subsidy CostThe original subsidy cost of the direct loan or load guarantee.decimal(14,2)98.21All
Obligation / Action Date (Original)Obligation or action date for the award (not converted into date format).varchar(10)0.00Complete only
Obligation / Action DateObligation or action date for the award.date0.00All
Starting Date (Original)The starting date for the award (not converted into date format).varchar(10)19.11Complete only
Starting DateThe starting date for the award.date19.11All
Ending Date (Original)The ending date for the award (not converted into date format).varchar(10)21.19Complete only
Ending DateThe ending date for the award.date21.19All
Record TypeFAADS record type: 1 = county aggregate record, 2 = individual action recordchar(1)0.00All
Unique Transaction IDA unique ID assigned by to each record in the database.varchar(32)0.00All
Agency Unique IDAn agency assigned identifier that should be unique for each record wtihin an agency.varchar(70)68.25Complete only
Correction / Late IndicatorIndicates that the action record is either a correction of a record from a previous quarter or a late reported record from a previous quarter. The previous quarter is indicated in the Corrected Fiscal Year / Quarter data field.char(1)97.62All
Corrected Fiscal Year / QuarterThe fiscal year (first four digits) and quarter (fifth digit) of the previous fiscal year and quarter that this record corrects, or which it is a late report for.varchar(5)96.35All

Section: Principal Place

This section shows the principal place of performance of the activity supported by the award.

This section is displayed in All detail reports.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Principal Place CodeA code for the principal place of performance for the award. The first two digits are the state FIPS code, the next five the county FIPS (three digits followed by **) or city FIPS code. 00***** = multi-state, 00FORGN = foreign country.varchar(7)2.68All
Principal Place StateThe state or territory name of the principal place of performance for the award.char(2)0.91All
Principal Place State (Long)A long version of the state or territory name in which the principal place of performance was located.varchar(25)1.41Complete only
Principal Place County or CityThe city or county name of the principal place of performance for the award.varchar(25)4.07All
Principal Place Zip CodeThe Zip code of the principal place of performance for the award.varchar(12)44.03All
Principal Place Congressional DistrictThe Congressional District of the principal place of performance, modified by to fix some bad data. 90 means not known, 00 means at large or statewide, 98 means nonvoting, 99 means no representative.varchar(4)0.00All
Principal Place Cong. District (Original)The principal place of performance Congressional District, as originally reported by only

Recovery Data Dictionary

This is a list of all of the data fields in's copy of the Recovery database. It can be used to see what kind of data each field displayed in the recipient reports level of detail contains. The "Field Type" column provides the type and size of the field, in case you wish to load data into your own database. The "% blank" column shows what percentage of the data records have the data field blank -- this can be useful when you want to estimate whether a particular data element is well maintained or not.

Section: Recipient / Vendor Information

This section gives basic information about a prime recipient, sub-recipient, or vendor.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Recipient NameThe name of the recipient (prime recipient, sub-recipient, or vendor)varchar(100)1.80All
Recipient TypeAn indicator for the type of recipient -- P:prime recipient, S:sub-recipient, and PV:Vendor to Prime recipient or SV:Vendor to Sub-recipient.char(2)0.00All
Recipient Zip CodeThe zip code of the recipient (prime recipient, sub-recipient, or vendor)varchar(10)28.73All
Recipient State (Original)The postal state abbreviation for the state in the recipient's address. (Can be for prime recipient or sub-recipient).varchar(20)52.77Complete only
Recipient StateThe postal state abbreviation for the state in the recipient's address. (Can be for prime or sub-recipient). Some bad codes have been corrected by the Center for Effective Government.char(2)52.02All
Original Recipient Congressional DistrictA numeric designation providing the recipient's congressional district. (For prime recipients and sub-recipients only.)char(2)52.74Complete only
Recipient Congressional DistrictThe Congressional District that the recipient is located in. This field has been regularized by the Center for Effective Government.varchar(4)52.79All
Received FromThe name of the prime recipient, if the record is for a sub-recipient, or the sub-recipient if the reord is for a sub-recipient vendor. Added by the Center for Effective Government.varchar(100)0.13All
Prime Recipient DUNS NumberThe prime recipient for the award's Dun & Bradstreet number.varchar(9)0.00All
Sub-recipient DUNS NumberThe sub-recipient's Dun & Bradstreet number.varchar(9)38.98All
Vendor DUNS NumberThe Dun & Bradstreet number of the vendor.varchar(9)84.36All
Recipient Account NumberRecipient's internal account number for the award. The account number of any other identifying number assigned by the recipient to the award. This number is strictly for the use of the recipient and is not required by the awarding Federal agency.varchar(250)92.28All

Section: Basic Award Information

This section gives basic information about the award, such the date of award and various ID numbers.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Calendar YearThe calendar year of the report.smallint(6)0.00All
Calendar QuarterThe calendar quarter of the report.char(1)0.00All
Award NumberThe identifying number assigned by the awarding Federal Agency such as the federal grant number, federal contract number or the federal loan number. For grants and loans, this is assigned by the prime recipient.varchar(50)0.00All
Order NumberThis is an identifying number assigned to the contract.varchar(50)93.27All
Sub-Award NumberSub-award number or other identifying number assigned by the recipient entity. For grants and loans, this is assigned by the sub-recipient.varchar(55)38.98All
CFDA NumberThe Catalog of Federal Domestic Number is the number associated with the published description of a Federal Assistance program in the CFDA. (For grants and loans only).varchar(6)10.26All
Award TypeC = contract, G = grant, L = loan.char(1)0.00All
Award Date (Original Field)The date when the award was signed. This is the original field, untranslated by the Center for Effective Government into a formatted date.varchar(30)52.74Complete only
Award DateThe date when the award was signed. Translated by the Center for Effective Government into a common date format.date52.74All

Section: Award and Job Amounts

This section shows the amount awarded, the number of jobs created, and other related quantities.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Award AmountFor Grants: total Federal dollars. For Loans: face value of the loan obligated by the Federal Agency. For Contracts: total amount obligated by the Federal Agency. For Vendors: payment amount. For recipients: the amount of the award or sub-award.decimal(18,2)7.27All
Local AmountFor primary recipients, the award amount minus the total sub-recipient award amounts. For sub-recipients and vendors, the award amount. Intended to be used to track money spent at places of performance.decimal(18,2)7.90Complete only
Amount RetainedThe dollar amount of the award retained by the recipient or vendor. For prime vendors, equals award amount minus sub-granted amount minus vendor payments. For subs, equals sub-granted amount minus vendor payments. Added by the Center for Effective Government.decimal(18,2)9.35All
Total Sub-recipient Award AmountThe total amount of awards to all sub-recipients of a prime recipient. Field added by the Center for Effective Government.decimal(18,2)96.70All
Total Vendor AmountThe total amount of payments to all vendors (both prime and sub) for a prime recipient. Field added by the Center for Effective Government.decimal(18,2)92.47All
Number of FTEsThe number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs created and retained.decimal(7,2)96.50All
Total ARRA Funds ReceivedFor Grants and Loans: The amount of Recovery Act funds received through draw-down, reimbursement or invoice. For Federally Awarded Contracts: The amount of Recovery Act funds invoiced by the federal contractor (cumulative).decimal(18,2)83.42All
Total ARRA Funds ExpendedAmount of recovery funds received that were expended to projects or activities ("Federal Share of Expenditures"). The cumulative total for the amount of Federal fund expenditures. For grants and loans only.decimal(18,2)64.13All
Total ARRA Infrastructure ExpensesTotal Federal ARRA infrastructure expenditure. For grants and loans only.decimal(18,2)96.50All
Number of Sub-awards Less Than $25,000The total number of sub-awards of less than $25,000. For prime recipients only.bigint(20)98.19All
Dollars of Sub-awards Less Than $25,000The total dollar amount of sub-awards less than $25,000. For prime recipients only.decimal(18,2)98.21All
Number of Sub-awards to IndividualsThe total number of sub-awards to individuals. For prime recipients only.bigint(20)98.86All
Dollars of Sub-awards to IndividualsThe total dollar amount of sub-awards to individuals. For prime recipients only.decimal(18,2)98.86All
Number of Vendor Payments Less Than $25,000The total number of payments to vendors of less than $25,000. For prime recipients only.bigint(20)94.79All
Dollars of Vendor Payments Less Than $25,000The total dollars of payments to vendors of less than $25,000. For prime recpients only.decimal(18,2)94.79All

Section: Funding Source

This section gives information about the funding source of the award -- the governmental agency or agencies involved.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Major Funding AgencyThe major agency that funded that award. Field added by the Center for Effective Government.char(2)0.00All
Funding Agency CodeA numeric code for the Federal Agency that is responsible for funding/distributing the ARRA funds to recipients.varchar(4)0.29All
Funding Agency NameThe Federal Agency name corresponding to the Federal Agency Code used.varchar(100)0.29Complete only
Major Awarding AgencyThe major agency that awarded and is administering the grant. Field added by the Center for Effective Government.char(2)0.00All
Awarding Agency CodeNumeric code for the agency that awarded and is administering the award on behalf of the funding agency.varchar(4)0.29All
Awarding Agency NameThe Federal Agency Name corresponding to the Awarding agency code used.varchar(100)0.29Complete only
Program Source (TAS)The Agency Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) that identifies the funding Program Source. The Program Source is based out of the OMB TAS list.varchar(7)0.29All
TAS Sub-accountThe TAS (Treasury Account Symbol identifying the funding program source) subaccount code related to the agency. This is an optional field.char(3)98.30All
Contracting Office CodeThe agency supplied code of the government contracting office that executed the transaction. For prime recipients only.varchar(6)95.15All
Contracting Office NameThe name of the government contracting office that executed the transaction. For prime recipients only.varchar(250)100.00All

Section: Project and Award Description

This section provides a description of the project and the various activities undertaken under the award.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Project NameThe brief descriptive title of the project or activity funded in whole or in part with Recovery Act funds. Applies only to grants and loans.varchar(255)73.96All
Award DescriptionFor Contracts: The description of the overall purpose and expected outcomes, or results of the contract funded by the Recovery Act. For Grants and Loans: Award title and description with purpose of each funding action if any.text98.63All
Project DescriptionFor grants and loans, a description of the overall purpose and expected outputs and outcomes or results of the award and first-tier subaward(s). For contracts, a description of all significant services performed / supplies delivered.text99.60All
Project StatusEvaluation of the completion status of the project, activity or contract. 1: not started, 2: less than 50% completed, 3: completed 50% or more, 4: Fully completed.varchar(25)0.29All
Job Creation DescriptionA narrative description of the employment impact of the recovery act funded work.text99.09All
Infrastructure PurposePurpose and rationale of funds received for infrastructure investment with funds made available under the Recovery Act. For grants and loans only.text99.16All
Activity CodeThe NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)0.29All
Project Activity DescriptionA translation of the first project / activity code.varchar(250)82.65All
Activity Code 2A second NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)67.95All
Activity Code 3A third NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)84.40All
Activity Code 4A fourth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)88.29All
Activity Code 5A fifth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)90.31All
Activity Code 6A sixth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)91.80All
Activity Code 7A seventh NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)92.85All
Activity Code 8An eighth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)95.07All
Activity Code 9A ninth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)96.18All
Activity Code 10A tenth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award.varchar(10)96.92All

Section: Place of Performance

This section gives the location of the primary place of performance of work done that was funded by the award.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Place of Performance Street 1Primary place of performance first line of street address.varchar(60)24.51All
Place of Performance Street 2Primary place of permformance second line of street address.varchar(60)93.98All
Place of Performance StatePrimary place of performance postal state abbreviation.char(2)0.10All
Place of Performance CountryPrimary place of performance country code.char(2)0.04All
Place of Performance CityPrimary place of performance city.varchar(35)0.04All
Place of Performance Postal CodePrimary place of performance postal code (Zip code, within U.S.).varchar(9)0.09All
Original Place of Perf. Congressional DistrictPrimary place of performance Congressional District.char(2)0.06Complete only
Place of Perf. Congressional DistrictThe Congressional District in which work was performed. This field has been regularized by the Center for Effective Government.varchar(4)0.10All
Place of Performance LatitudeLatitude (as decimal degrees) of place of performance, as taken from an inferred geo-code.decimal(14,10)52.74All
Place of Performance LongitudeLongitude (as decimal degrees) of place of performance, as taken from an infered geo-code.decimal(15,10)52.74All

Section: Infrastructure Contact

This section provides contact information for a contact person for infrastructure related to the award.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Infrastructure Contact NameThe name of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(250)95.48All
Infrastructure Contact EmailThe Email address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(100)95.58All
Infrastructure Contact PhoneThe phone number of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(20)95.58All
Infrastructure Contact Phone ExtThe phone extension of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(10)99.39All
Infrastructure Contact Street 1The first line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(60)95.62All
Infrastructure Contact Street 2The second line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(60)99.36All
Infrastructure Contact Street 3The third line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(60)99.83All
Infrastructure Contact CityThe city in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(35)95.48All
Infrastructure Contact StateThe postal state abbreviation in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.char(2)95.50All
Infrastructure Contact Postal CodeThe postal code (in the U.S., a Zip code) in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only.varchar(9)95.55All

Section: Recipient Officer Compensation

This section provides information about highly compensated officers of a recipient of an award.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
High Compensation Applicability (Yes/No)Yes indicates that high compensation information needs to be reported.char(1)52.74All
Recipient Officer 1First highly compensated officer of recipient.varchar(100)98.93All
Recipient Officer 1 CompensationTotal compensation of first highly compensated officer.decimal(18,2)98.97All
Recipient Officer 2Second highly compensated officer of recipient.varchar(100)99.35All
Recipient Officer 2 CompensationTotal compensation of second highly compensated officer.decimal(18,2)99.37All
Recipient Officer 3Third highly compensated officer of recipient.varchar(100)99.45All
Recipient Officer 3 CompensationTotal compensation of third highly compensated officer.decimal(18,2)99.47All
Recipient Officer 4Fourth highly compensated officer of recpient.varchar(100)99.52All
Recipient Officer 4 CompensationTotal compensation of fourth highly compensated officer.decimal(18,2)99.54All
Recipient Officer 5Fifth highly compensated officer of recipient.varchar(100)99.56All
Recipient Officer 5 CompensationTotal compensation of fifth highly compensated officer.decimal(18,2)99.57All

Section: Recordkeeping Information

This section contains basic recordkeeping information about the award record, such as timestamps, data quality flags, and a flag and justification for late submission.

Data FieldDescriptionField Type% blankLevel of Detail
Award KeyA derived field that uniquely identifies an Award. This field is derived using a distinct combination of the following component fields: Award_type, Prime_DUNS, Award_id and only
Final Report (Yes/No)Yes indicates that this is the final report and that there will be no further quarterly reports.char(1)82.65All
Version FlagThis field is used to identify the last record for each versioned_id/non-versioned_id combination to facilitate determining the last record. F indicates current record. H indicates historic.char(1)0.00All
Record StatusIndicates the status of the entry - D:Draft, I:Initial submission, X:Deleted. After the initial submission state, the future states are interpreted by the application using time stamps. X stands for a logical deletion of the record.char(1)0.00All
Active StatusA = active record, I = inactive record.char(1)0.00All
Agency Reviewed FlagYes/No field. Yes would indicate that the agency review has been done in the 22-29 day phase. This flag is used in combination with the correction flag.char(1)52.74All
Prime Reviewed FlagYes/No field. Yes would indicate that the prime recipient review has been done in the 11-21 day phase. This flag is used in combination with the correction flag.char(1)52.74All
Correction FlagYes/No field. Yes would indicate that a correction was initiated. The correction could be by agency or by prime recipient depending on the phase of the reporting process.char(1)52.74All
Last Update DateDate of last update of the record. Converted by the Center for Effective Government from timestamp.date0.00All
Creation DateDate of creation of record. Converted by the Center for Effective Government from timestamp.date0.00All
Last Update TimestampDate / time stamp of last update for the record.varchar(30)0.00Complete only
Creation TimestampDate / time stamp of creation of the record.varchar(30)0.00Complete only
Input TypeProvides information on the method of submission.char(2)52.74Complete only
Input VersionProvides information on the version of the method of submssion type.varchar(4)52.74Complete only
Late Submission FlagYes/No field. Yes indicates a late submission.char(1)99.83All
Late Submission JustificationA justification for a late submission.text100.00All