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Law and Economics Workshop


Christine Jolls, Organizer


Royal Sonesta Hotel
University BC

40 Edwin H. Land Boulevard

Cambridge, Massachusetts


July 22-23, 2015







8:00 am

Coffee and pastries



8:30 am

Bruno Strulovici, Northwestern University


(Joint with Ron Siegel, Northwestern University)


On the Design of Criminal Trials: the Benefit of Three-Verdict Systems




Discussant: Jennifer Reinganum, Vanderbilt University



9:25 am

Aaron Edlin, University of California at Berkeley and NBER


Conservatism and Switcher's Curse




Discussant: Brett McDonnell, University of Minnesota Law School



10:20 am




Special Session on Contracting



10:40 am

Oliver Hart, Harvard University and NBER


(Joint with Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka, Bristol University)


Short-term,Long-term, and Continuing Contracts




Discussant: Quinn Curtis, University of Virginia School of Law



11:35 am

Bo Sun, Federal Reserve Board


(Joint with Tse-Chun Lin, University of Hong Kong, and Qi Liu, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University)


Contracting with Feedback




Discussant: Ning Zhu, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance



12:30 pm




1:15 pm 

Barry Hirsch, Georgia State University


(Joint with E. Mark Curtis, Wake Forest University, and Mary C. Schroeder, University of Iowa)


Evaluating Workplace Mandates with Flows versus Stocks: An Application to California Paid Family Leave




Discussant: Christopher Ruhm, University of Virginia and NBER



2:10 pm 




Special Session on Markets and Discrimination



2:25 pm

Joel Waldfogel, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, and NBER


(Joint with Steven Berry, Yale University and NBER, and Alon Eizenberg, Hebrew University)


Fixed Costs and the Product Market Treatment of Preference Minorities




Discussant: Bentley MacLeod, Columbia University and NBER



3:20 pm   

Douglas Kruse, Rutgers University and NBER


(Joint with Mason Ameri, Rutgers University, Lisa Schur, Rutgers University, Meera Adya, Syracuse University, Scott Bentley, Rutgers University, and Patrick McKay, Rutgers University)


The Disability Employment Puzzle: A Field Experiment On Employer Hiring Behavior




Discussant: Paul Oyer, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and NBER



4:15 pm




4:30 pm

Feldstein Lecture



7:00 pm

Group Dinner at Bambara Restaurant, 25 Edwin H. Land Blvd. in Cambridge (across the street from the Royal Sonesta Hotel)






8:00 am

Coffee and pastries



8:30 am

Randall Morck, School of Business, University of Alberta, and NBER


(Joint with Eugene Kandel, School of Business Administration, Hebrew University, Konstantin Kosenko, Bank of Israel, and Yishay Yafeh, Hebrew University)


The Great Pyramids of America: A Revised History of US Business Groups, Corporate Ownership and Regulation, 1930-1950




Discussant: James Kwak, University of Connecticut School of Law



9:25 am

Stefano Rossi, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University


(Joint with Hayong Yun, Broad College of Business, Michigan State University)


What Drives Financial Reform? Economics and Politics of the State-Level Adoption of Municipal Bankruptcy Laws




Discussant: Roberta Romano, Yale Law School and NBER



10:20 am




10:40 am

Martin C. Schmalz, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan


(Joint with Jose Azar, Charles River Associates, and Isabel Tecu, Charles River Associates)


Anti-Competitive Effects of Common Ownership




Discussant: Sarath Sanga, University of California at Berkeley



11:35 am

Ugo Troiano, University of Michigan and NBER


(Joint with Ricardo Perez-Truglia, Microsoft Research)


Shaming Tax Delinquents: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment in the United States




Discussant: Alan Viard, American Enterprise Institute



12:30 pm   




1:15 pm

Amalia Miller, University of Virginia and NBER


(Joint with Catherine Tucker, Sloan School, MIT, and NBER)


Privacy Protection, Personalized Medicine and Genetic Testing




Discussant: Emily Oster, Brown University and NBER



2:10 pm




Special Session on Finance



2:20 pm

Stefan Hunt, Financial Conduct Authority


The Impact of Access to Payday Loans on UK Consumer Borrowing Behaviour and Credit Outcomes




Discussant: Justin Wolfers, University of Michigan and NBER



3:15 pm




3:25 pm

Wei Jiang, Columbia Business School


(Joint with Robert J. Jackson, Jr., Columbia Law School, and Joshua Mitts, Columbia Law School)


How Quickly Do Markets Learn? Private Information Dissemination in a Natural Experiment




Discussant: Adair Morse, Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, and NBER



4:20 pm

Jonathan Zinman, Dartmouth College and NBER


(Joint with Sule Alan, University of Essex, Mehmet Cemalcilar, Yapi Kredi Bank, and Dean Karlan, Yale University and NBER)


Unshrouding Effects on Demand for a Costly Add-on: Evidence from Bank Overdrafts in Turkey




Discussant: Benjamin J. Keys, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago



5:15 pm
